Q: Dr. Hurd, I sometimes fight feeling low by telling myself, "It could be worse." Then I proceed to name examples of how it could be worse. Is this healthy -- or am I putting neurotic guilt on myself? A: It all depends on the context in which you say it. If you say...
Psychology & Living
Celebrate Valentine’s Day By Understanding the True Meaning of Love
To love a person is selfish because it means that you value that particular person, that he or she makes your life better, that he or she is an intense source of joy–to you.
An Open Letter Regarding China to the International Olympic Committee
You must stand tall for moral principles and the dignity of man. Award the Olympics to a country where rights are protected, not to the Butchers of Beijing.
Deciding Upon A Career
Finding a career to be passionate about is like finding the love of your life.
Fear of Failure
Fear of failure -- you hear psychologists on "Oprah," and elsewhere, talk about it all the time. What actually is it? Fear of failure is simply what it self-evidently appears to be. It is the fear of not achieving your goal or value in some context -- specifically,...
The Best Therapy in the World
People ask me all the time how they can develop proper tools of self-confidence. Allow me to save you a few steps. THERE IS NO BETTER TOOL OF SELF CONFIDENCE THAN COMING UP WITH A REALISTIC PLAN OF ACTION AND THEN FOLLOWING THROUGH ON IT, OVER A PERIOD OF MONTHS AND...
Spontaneity versus Whim Worship
What's the fundamental difference between being a whim worshiper and being spontaneous? A whim worshipper acts on whatever urges move him, at the moment they first move him. He does not stop and use reason to evaluate what he's doing. A spontaneous person is capable...
How to Find Your Hero or Heroine
With persistence, people almost always find the romantic partner they want. This is one of the surprising things I've learned from years of being a therapist. I spend countless hours talking with lonely people who wonder if they will ever find the romantic partner...
The Magic Solution for Feeling Low
Try to do some activities that you have reason to believe will help you feel better…right now!
Dr Laura: Moralistic Busybody
Dogmatic commandments are not enough.
Divorce is not the real issue that harms kids psychologically
Some interesting new research suggests that it's not divorce itself which harms kids psychologically; rather, it's the way parents interact with each other that affects children the most. This finding is totally consistent with my years of experience as a...
The Life of Six Year Old Elian Gonzalez Is In President Clinton’s Hands
Elián Gonzales, a 6-year-old Cuban boy, found Thanksgiving Day clinging to an inner tube off the coast of Florida, is about to be deported back to Communist Cuba on January 14, 2000, if the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has its way. It was...
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