Today's students are often taught that our Founding Fathers were racists. Textbooks make comments like, "The sublime principles of the Declaration did not apply to them [blacks]. They were for whites only." The late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said, "The...
Walter Williams
Feminization of the Military
"Boy, what's that @#&*! growing under your nose? It looks like a &@*@#. You'd better get that &@*#! off your face by the next formation." It was July 1959. With about 60 other recruits, I was being welcomed to basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. According...
The Accuracy of Environmentalist Predictions
Before we accept environmentalists’ claims that the sky is falling, let’s survey some of their past predictions.
Economics of Unionism
The Teamsters' strike, and its pending settlement, against United Parcel Service (UPS) gives us a chance to think about unions and labor issues. In a free society, people have the right to form voluntary associations. Therefore, any impediment, including so-called...
Extortion or Voluntary Exchange
Last month, Autumn Jackson was convicted of extortion, con- spiracy, and crossing state lines to commit a crime. When sentenced in October, she faces up to 12 years in prison and a fine up to $750,000. Miss Jackson's in hot water because she demanded $40 million from...
The Wrong Education Target
A Washington Post editorial (7/24/97) said that had the reading portion of the Stanford Achievement Test been used as this year's criterion for promotion, 33 percent of D.C.'s third-graders and 29 percent of its eighth-graders would have been left down. Test results...
People Helping Tyrants
In pursuit of what's deemed as worthy objectives, decent people often pave the way for tyranny. The process usually begins by the piecemeal destruction of the foundations of liberty: private property, rule of law, voluntary exchange and limited government. Those basic...
Should Laws Be Obeyed?
Should we obey laws? It all depends; some laws aren't worthy of obedience. "There you go again, Williams;" you say, "what kind of society would there be if people decided which laws they'd obey or disobey?" That might be a problem but let's look at it. During several...
Silencing Dissent
After years of procrastination, I finally got around to reading Yale University law professor Stephen L. Carter's, book, Reflections of An Affirmative Action Baby. Carter writes engagingly about race issues like affirmative action, racial stereotypes, and the civil...
Proposition 209 vs. Racism
California voters passed the California Civil Rights Initiative of 1996, more popularly known as Proposition 209 that says, "The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color,...
Economic Freedom and Progress
"Economic Freedom of the World: 1997", written by Professors James Gwartney (Florida State University) and Robert Lawson (Capital University), has just been published. It is an annual report that uses 17 objective factors to derive a summary economic freedom rating,...
The Tradgedy Called Africa
In terms of natural resources, Africa is the world's richest continent. It has 50 percent of the world's gold, most of the world's diamonds and chromium, 90 percent of the cobalt, 40 percent of the world's potential hydroelectric power, 65 percent of the manganese,...
Will There Be A Balanced Budget?
There's been one balanced budget in the last 38 years (1969). In 1979, Congress passed the Balanced Budget Act making balanced budgets the law of the land. In 1982, a "concerned" Congress enacted what was then the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history....
How To Restrict Liberty
Let's look at how pressure groups are able to impose their values and preferences on others in ways that restrict liberty. To make my case, I list several restrictions that have been, are, or are being sought such as bans: on handgun ownership, abortion, smoking in...
Air Bag Safety Coverup
Last February, I wrote about the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) air bag safety coverup and the 52 lives (32 were children) lost caused by 200 mph deploying air bags. Then there were air bag lies. In 1977, the Transportation Department claimed...
Improve Education: Fire The Experts
The best thing we can do for American education is to abolish university education departments, abolish the U.S. Department of Education and fire education "experts." You say, "Williams, have you gone mad?" Let's look at it. Over the last 30 years, achievement test...
Gender-Norming Update
In October 1994, Lt. Kara Hultgreen was killed during an attempted landing of her F-14 on the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln. Femfeared (fear of feminists) Navy officials first re ported that engine failure caused the death of the Navy's first female F-14 pilot....
The Coming Social Security Disaster
The Social Security's Board of Trustees' most recent report predicts the system will be insolvent by the year 2029; they had been predicting insolvency in 2030. By 2010, the Social Security system will be running deficits, the year when the Social Security trust funds...
Economics 101
Many people think economics is about businesses and financial institutions but economics is much broader than that. Economic theory makes a valuable contribution whenever there are costs and benefits of any human action. Take dating. Suppose you see a fat, old, ugly,...
Campaign Finance Scapegoat: Proof of Washington Rot
The nation's response to the scandal-a-day revelations about money funneled into Clinton's reelection and the Democratic party's fund raising is entirely mis-focused. Campaign finance reform measures such as full disclosure and dollar limits do not address the...
John Stossel's ABC special "Freeloaders" which aired last week showed just how far we've come to being a nation of parasites. It featured people (thieves) who'd go to a restaurant, eat half their meal, and then place an insect in the remaining food in order to get the...
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