Walter Williams

Walter Williams (March 31, 1936 – December 1, 2020) was an American economist, commentator, academic, and columnist at Capitalism Magazine.He was the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, and a syndicated editorialist for Creator's Syndicate. He is author of Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?, and numerous other works.

Rotten Education Isn’t Preordained

Poor performance is often blamed on finances; however, the poorest performing schools have the highest per-pupil spending.

The Legacy of Slavery Hustle

Today, there are increasing numbers of black professionals and scholars advocating reparations for slavery. New York Times staff writer Tamar Lewin, in her June 3 article "Calls for Slavery Reparations Getting Louder," says that a team of black lawyers have announced...

Inept Teacher Training

American education will never be improved until we address a problem seen as too delicate to discuss. That problem is teacher philosophy and incompetency. If we were serious about efforts to improve public education, we'd shut down schools of education. Why? Schools...

The Rule of Law in America

What should be the characteristics of laws in a free society? Let's think about baseball rules (laws) as a means to approach this question. Some players, through no fault of their own, hit fewer home runs than others. In order to create baseball justice, how about a...

Ignorance or Contempt of the U.S. Constitution

Congressmen, presidents and Supreme Court justices take an oath of office swearing to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. As if the Constitution itself isn't clear about what they must do, in Federalist Paper No. 45, James Madison, the acknowledged father of the...

Black Students as Meal Tickets

THERE'S A STORY about a visitor to an Indian reservation who sees a Bureau of Indian Affairs officer uncontrollably crying. He asks, "Why are you crying?" The officer sobs, "My Indian died." The officer didn't give a hoot about the Indian, he was worried about his...

Orchestrating Energy Disaster

One needn't be a rocket scientist to create California's energy problems. According to the California Energy Commission, from 1996 to 1999 electricity demand, stimulated by a booming economy, grew by 12 percent while supply grew by less than 2 percent. Here's how...

Basic Economics

Dr. Thomas Sowell has just released his latest treasure -- it's title is "Basic Economics." Reading through the book reminded me of a 30-plus-year-old conversation I had with Professor Armen Alchian, one of my tenacious mentors during my graduate training at UCLA....

America’s Amnesia

Arthur M. Schlesinger wrote in "The Disuniting of America": "History is to the nation ... as memory is to the individual. An individual deprived of memory becomes disoriented and lost, not knowing where he has been or where he is going, so a nation denied a conception...

Virginia State University Tyranny

If we had to single out one American institution that stands at the forefront of modern-day racial discrimination, deception and contempt for fundamental principles of liberty, it would be America's universities. Under the euphemisms of affirmative action,...

Kids and Guns

Kids and Guns

Every time there's a school shooting, there are demands for greater gun control measures that range from longer waiting periods and mandated gun locks to stricter licensing and restricted sales. With all the political posturing and demagoguery that follows, a...

Laws Versus Values

During the '40s, when I attended primary and secondary school, one didn't hear of school shootings. Why? Did we have better laws banning guns in and around schools? Or hadn't guns been invented? Many of today's youngsters begin the school day passing through metal...

Campaign Finance Reform: Wrong Target

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-Ariz., makes a lot of political hay portraying himself as the hero for campaign finance reform and against influence-peddling. He's for restrictions on the "soft money" millions that flow into the campaign coffers of the Republican and Democratic...

The Success Side of American Education

It's generally agreed that American primary, secondary and, increasingly, undergraduate education is a failure. But that assessment depends upon just what evaluation criteria is chosen. By some criteria, American education might be deemed a remarkable success. Let's...

South Africa: After Apartheid

A major crusader failing is that they seldom look back to their last crusade to see how it turned out. During my several South Africa visits during its apartheid era, up to three months on one occasion, I lectured at nearly all of its universities. I had the...

Masking Education Fraud with Racist Propaganda in California

Last week, I reported that 73 percent of California State University's black college freshmen required remedial math and 66 percent required remedial English. In last week's speech to the American Council on Education, Richard C. Atkinson, president of the University...

In Search of…Civil Rights Violations

Racial charges by many black politicians, civil-rights spokesmen, self-appointed black leaders and guilt-ridden whites are just plain nonsense. They get away with them because we're ill-informed or are too timid to question their assumptions and assertions. Let's...

Government Cruelty: The Excess Burdens of Taxation

George Bush's secretary of labor nominee, Linda Chavez, withdrew her nomination under charges of hiring a worker and not paying minimum wages plus applicable taxes. This was just character assassination by those who didn't want to see her confirmed because of her...

Protecting Us Out of Our Rights

Worrying about bacteria, New Jersey banned restaurants from serving eggs sunny side up. The ban has since been lifted. Some New Jersey localities have a ban on people pumping their own gasoline. Policemen issue citations for driving without a seatbelt. By law, new...

Reparations for Slavery

If the November elections had put Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, I would have expected John Conyers, D-Mich., to introduce legislation that would set up a committee to decide who would qualify for reparations for slavery, whether they should be...

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