Walter Williams

Walter Williams (March 31, 1936 – December 1, 2020) was an American economist, commentator, academic, and columnist at Capitalism Magazine.He was the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, and a syndicated editorialist for Creator's Syndicate. He is author of Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?, and numerous other works.

Blame Trump?

The question is if our nation can survive the widespread anti-Trump hate.

Blacks and Obama

Blacks and Obama

Obama has charisma and charm, but in terms of character, values, experience and understanding, he is deficient.

Does Washington Know Best?

Does Washington Know Best?

Congress and the president are taking over an area of our lives infinitely more challenging and complex than the management of traffic signals and supermarkets, namely our health care system.

America’s Social Security Ponzi Scheme: Congressionally Duped Americans

America’s Social Security Ponzi Scheme: Congressionally Duped Americans

The only way Congress can send checks to Social Security and Medicare recipients is to take the earnings of a person currently in the workforce. The way Congress conceals its Ponzi scheme is to dupe Social Security and Medicare recipients into thinking that it’s their money that is put away and invested.

Loving and Hating America

Loving and Hating America

I’m wondering how the hate-America/blame-America-first crowd might explain the fact that so many people in the world, if they had a chance, would permanently relocate here. Maybe it’s that they haven’t been exposed to enough U.S. university professors.

Racial Trade-offs: Part II

I can’t imagine what black politicians and civil rights groups are getting that’s worth condemning black youths to a high rate of unemployment and its devastating effects on upward economic mobility, but then again, I’m not a politician.

Racial Trade-offs

Trade-offs apply to our economic lives, as well as our political lives. That means getting more of one thing requires giving up something else. Let's look at some examples. Black congressmen and black public officials in general, including Barack Obama, always side...

Are Guns the Problem?

Are Guns the Problem?

Why — at a time in our history when guns were readily available, when a person could just walk into a store or order a gun through the mail, when there were no FBI background checks, no waiting periods, no licensing requirements — was there not the frequency and kind of gun violence that we sometimes see today, when access to guns is more restricted?

Honesty and Trust

Honesty and Trust

The fact that honesty and trust are so vital should make us rethink just how much tolerance we should have for criminals and dishonest people.

Progressives Against Blacks

Progressives Against Blacks

In sports, when have you heard a coach explain or excuse a black player’s poor performance by blaming it on a “legacy of slavery” or on that player’s being raised in a single-parent household?

Energy Manipulation

The huge supply and resulting low prices have begun to act as a deterrent to future energy exploration and production.

Black Self-Sabotage

Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered. Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. There are no such protests against the thousands of black murders.

Profiling for Crime: Who Is Too Blame?

Profiling for Crime: Who Is Too Blame?

A law-abiding black person denied a taxi is rightfully angered, but to whom should his anger be directed, at the driver who’s trying to protect his life or at the people who’ve instilled fear by robbing and assaulting cabbies?

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