Many people think that it takes government to eliminate racial discrimination, but economic theory predicts the opposite.
Walter Williams
Coming End to Racial Preferences
The weakening of racial preferences in college admissions can be beneficial if it can focus our attention on the causes of the huge gap in academic achievement between blacks and whites and Asians.
The Constitution or Good Ideas?
Should we be ruled by what are seen as good ideas or by what’s permissible by the U.S. Constitution?
Wage Discrimination
There are inequalities everywhere. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Asian men and women have median earnings higher than white men and women. Female cafeteria attendants earn more than their male counterparts. Females who are younger than 30 and have never been married earn salaries 8 percent higher than males of the same description.
Equality in Discipline
Seeing as the Obama administration is concerned about punishment disproportionality, should black convicts be released so that only 13 percent of incarcerated murderers are black?
Engineering Evil: Why The 20th Century Was So Barbaric
How did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis gain the power that they needed to commit such horror?
Sex and Race Equality
Should we insist upon equal treatment of people by race and sex or tolerate differences in treatment?
Bizarre Arguments and Behavior
Some statements and arguments are so asinine that you’d have to be an academic or a leftist to take them seriously.
Is There Wage Stagnation?
Many economists, politicians and pundits assert that median wages have stagnated since the 1970s.
Governed by Rules, Not Men
Who’s in office is making a difference, because government has abandoned its referee and night watchman function and gotten into the business of determining winners and losers.
Solutions to Black Education
There is little that the political and education establishment will do about the grossly fraudulent education received by many black youngsters, and more money is not the answer.
Black People Duped by Left Wing Intelligentsia
The cultural problems that affect many black people are challenging and not pleasant to talk about, but incorrectly attributing those problems to racism and racial discrimination, a need for more political power, and a need for greater public spending condemns millions of blacks to the degradation and despair of the welfare state.
Why Socialism is Evil
Socialism employs evil means, confiscation and intimidation, to accomplish what are often seen as noble goals — namely, helping one’s fellow man
No Material Poverty in the U.S.
Here are a few facts about people whom the Census Bureau labels as poor.
Schoolteacher Cheating
While there’s widespread teacher test cheating to conceal education failure, most notably among black children, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Politics of Hate and Envy
Though sports and Hollywood personalities earn multiples of CEO salaries, you’ll never find leftists and progressives picketing and criticizing them.
OK to Feel Sorry
I am free to feel sorry for guilty or timid white people.
Income Inequality vs Productivity Inequality
Far more important than income inequality is productivity inequality.
The Politics of the Minimum Wage
The politics of the minimum wage are simple. No congressman or president owes his office to the poorly educated black and Latino youth vote.
Pope Francis’ Tragic Vision of Capitalism
Pope Francis, went on to label unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny.” Let’s look at the pope’s tragic vision.
Our Fragile Planet
With the decline of the USSR, communism has lost considerable respectability and is now repackaged as environmentalism and progressivism.
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