Raymond J March

Raymond March is a faculty fellow at the NDSU Center for the Study of Public Choice and Private Enterprise (PCPE) and an assistant professor in the NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, and a contributor to Young Voices. His research has appeared in the Southern Economic Journal,  Public ChoiceJournal of Institutional Economics, and Research Policy. He has published articles in National InterestWashington TimesWashington ExaminerThe HillRealClearHealth, and elsewhere. Raymond is a research fellow at the Independent Institute and the director of FDAReview.org, an educational research and communications project on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Vaccine Cronyism?

The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is used in 170 other countries, but was never approved in the US. What explains this? I fear the answer might be cronyism- a troubling and harmful alliance between a handful of drug producers and the federal government.

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