Thirty years ago, environmentalist policies were intended to prevent us from running out of fossil fuels. Now it’s a case of having too much fossil fuel for the environment to handle.
Phillip W. Magness
The Pinochet Slur Against Free Market Scholars: Academic Repetition of a Lie
In each and every case, the aforementioned authors carelessly repeat a claim that they want to believe and that affirms their political priors. No effort is made to check sources or investigate whether the claim itself is reputable.
New Evidence that Soaring Inequality is a Myth
How a political push to justify increased taxation has afflicted the entire economic inequality debate.
The Mythology Behind The Dishonest “New History of Capitalism” Slavery Smear
Edward Baptist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and others of the “New History of Capitalism” demonstrate their ignorance in their dishonest attempts to associate American capitalism with slavery.
A Wealth Tax on the Rich Is Motivated By Anti-Capitalist Ideology and Not Economics
Is a proposed federal wealth tax on the ultra-rich the solution to America’s budget-deficit woes?
The Statistical Problems Behind Piketty and Saez’s Claims of Spiraling Inequality
Instead of assuming that we’re in the midst of a surging inequality crisis, we should first settle more fundamental issues affecting the accuracy of our measurements over the past century.
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