On April 30, motorists nationwide staged the "Great American Gas-Out," to protest "spiraling" gas prices. And when consumers complain, rest assured politicians will do something dumb to make them happy. It didn't take long. In California, something called the Senate...
Larry Elder
The Brando Rule: A Double Standard in Judging Parents
Marlon Brando, on the "Larry King Live" show, once used several racial and ethnic epithets. When a local news outlet rebroadcast this controversial excerpt, it muted Brando when he used the word "nigger." His lips moved, but the viewer heard no sound. The station did...
Are Cops Killing Blacks?
Before the horrific shooting at the Littleton, Colo., high school, the media sat around like the Maytag repairman on Prozac. Monica's gone, impeachment and trial over with, the Jon-Benet Ramsey mystery dormant. Oh, sure, there's the occasional O.J. flare-up, but, for...
Minimum Wage: Yet Another Republican Retreat
Every so often, without fail, the Republicans remind me why I don't join the party. A recovering drug and alcohol abuser, living in the streets, recently told me the following story. One day, in desperate need of money, he went to the owner of a convenience store. The...
Is President Bill Clinton a Rapist?
"Bimbo Eruptions." That's what Republication strategist Mary Matalin, during the 1992 presidential campaign, called allegations of extramarital affairs against candidate Bill Clinton. But, unfortunately for the president, Juanita Broaddrick is nobody's bimbo. In an...
A Malcolm X postage stamp? What about George Wallace?
Former Alabama Governor and segregationist George Wallace on a postage stamp? You laugh. The post office's criteria for honoring individuals, however, provides little guidance. The stamps should "feature American or American-related subjects" and display "only events...
Police Brutality and “The Great White Bigot”
"Larry, How do you feel about Tyisha Miller?" asked the radio critic during our interview. "Who?" I said. Wrong answer. "What do you mean, who?" she said. "Everyone's talking about it." "Well," I said, "I've been on vacation. I've heard about her, but I don't know...
Classic Legalese from Alan Dershowitz: Attack, Demean, Mischaracterize
It was vintage Alan Dershowitz, the attorney and race card player extraordinaire. Appearing as an anti-impeachment panelist before the House Judiciary Committee, Dershowitz accused Georgia conservative Republican Rep. Bob Barr of "racism," "bigotry" and...
Legal Scholars Support a Restricted View of the Constitution–When It Suits Them
Four hundred "Legal Scholars" warned of "dangerous precedents" should Congress vote to impeach President Clinton. University of Texas law professor Douglas Laycock said, "There's nothing official about his misconduct." Fascinating. Since when have we paid attention to...
Clinton — Friend of the Working Woman?
A coalition of 15 Feminist and civil rights groups recently descended on Capitol Hill. The issue? Why, the protection of our beleaguered president, of course. Leave him alone! Stop the impeachment process! Bill Clinton's been good for women! Patricia Ireland,...
The “Larry List” of the most fascinating women in politics
What do Monica Lewinsky, tennis star Venus Williams and television's Buffy the Vampire Slayer have in common? They all made the George magazine list of the 20 Most Fascinating Women in Politics. That's right, politics. And what do Attorney General Janet Reno and...
Why Blacks Shouldn’t Support Bill Clinton
"Guilty or not, we love you, O.J." The sign -- held by a black woman outside of the O.J. Simpson criminal courtroom -- still chills. During a ceremony honoring Martin Luther King, a black speaker told a scandal-weary President Clinton that blacks stand by him "through...
The Brown Bomber Strikes Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Fresh from his recent attack on Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown carpet-bombed yet another loathsome public figure --- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. At a meeting before the Association of Black Sociologists, Hizzoner ripped...
Gary Coleman, Hate Criminal?
"You Black People are all alike." After allegedly making that remark, former child actor Gary Coleman ("Different Strokes") stands accused of repeatedly striking an autograph seeker. Coleman, a 30-year-old black man, now a security guard, claims he complied with a...
The “Evils” of the Freedom
"CONSUMERS ARE GETTING WALLOPED," said New York Republican Senator Alfonse D'Amato at a recent Congressional hearing. The issue? Fraud? No. Theft? Nope. Answer: "double charges." See, some banks charge their customers for using another bank's ATM, while tacking on an...
Advising the Advisors: The President’s Commission on Race
The President's Commission on Race recently suggested three things: a minimum wage hike, better media images for minorities, and that Americans should learn a foreign language. My advice to the Commission? Take Economics 101. David Duke starts a company. David Duke...
Camille Cosby’s Carelessness
Camille Cosby, the day after the conviction of the man accused of murdering her son, wrote an astonishing article published in "USA Today." It begins, "I believe America taught our son's killer to hate African-Americans. After Mikhail Markhasev killed Ennis Williams...
Charlton “Moses” Heston Mugged
Unleash the Trash! When the National Rifle Association elected actor Charlton Heston president, the anti-gun crowd pulled out the long knives quicker than you could say "Ken Starr." Time magazine weighed in with the cover story on guns. The cover? A large cartoon gun,...
National Organization for Women, R.I.P.
The National Organization for Women, RIP.This organization, AWOL on Paula Jones/Kathleen Willey/Monica Lewinsky/Dolly Kyle Browning, introduces a new and worthy target: Leonardo DiCaprio. That's right, the star of "Titanic." That Leonardo DiCaprio. See, a movie studio...
Racial Insensitivy
Which is Worse? "(Blacks) may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager, or perhaps a general manager." -- former Dodger general manager Al Campanis in 1987 on ABC's "Nightline" Or "disadvantaged" students lack the "genetic hereditary...
The Mantra of Many Black Leaders
Jasper, Texas -- Along with Rosewood, the Tuskegee Experiment, the murder of Emmett Till and the beating of Rodney King, Jasper shows that "racism is alive and well in America." That, at least, remains the mantra of many black leaders. In Jasper, three white...
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