John David Lewis

John David Lewis (website) is a Visiting Professor of Political Science, Duke University. He has been a Senior Research Scholar in History and Classics at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, and an Anthem Fellow.

The Mythical “Right to Healthcare”

After fifty years of growing government programs, health care costs continue to rise. The U.S. government now controls nearly half of all health care dollars, and the crisis is becoming acute. The plans we are seeing from Washington are not innovations, but rather...

House of God, House of War

Picture this scenario: a group of heavily armed Roman Catholics, led by a priest, swarms into St. Joseph's Cathedral in New York. They claim it as a military base. They fire grenades from its windows. They set explosive charges, in order to blow it up and blame the...

The Threat of a Faith-Based Defense of America

In the war between reason and religion, declared by militant Islamic fundamentalists, President Bush is firmly on the side of religion. The positions he supports most passionately are those of theocracies: prayer in schools, a national pledge "under God" recited by...

Will Israel Save Us Again?

The Iranians are on the verge of building nuclear bombs. If this is not stopped, mass death will result. The situation is not entirely without precedent, although the crisis today is immeasurably greater. By 1981 Iraq had a similar program. Had it succeeded, America...

Nihilism and the War Against Western Civilization

The attack of September 11, 2001 was only one incident in a concerted war on western civilization. The attackers are united not by any organized conspiracy, but by a common hatred, and a common desire. Their hatred is of life and their desire is death. The attack...

The Immorality of a Self-Defense Consensus

The enemy of September 11, 2001 is not a military foe boastful of his power. It is a tiny rat that hides under a rug in the free country it wants to destroy. That America asked for the co-operation of the world to exterminate this rat is the consequence of a grave...

Hatred of Western Civilization: Why Terrorists Attacked America

To the students of Ashland University: university teachers have wide latitude in their choice and presentation of subjects. In America university courses have been presented about Black Hair, Oprah Winfrey, and the Social Life of Snails. I see no reason why I should...

Shays’ Rebellion and the Spirit of Freedom

In 1786 New England farmers, oppressed by taxation, launched a series of rebellions against state authorities. Beginning with popular protests at town meetings, the demonstrations spread to local courthouses and legislatures. The statehouse in Hew Hampshire was...

In Defense–and Against–the Euro

The following letter was sent in reply to John Lewis' article England, The Euro, and Socialist Europe. We present it followed by John Lewis' reply. In Defense of the Euro: Mr. Lewis: Painting Germany as a socialist planned economy that is stagnating is inaccurate....

England, The Euro, and Socialist Europe

For years the socialists have been claiming that England should join the single European currency (the Euro) and should follow a central economic policy as voted by all 15 nations. England, we are told, faces dire economic woes if it fails to join the economic "party"...

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