The astonishing rise to power of Javier Milei, a staunch advocate of free markets and sound money, who on December 6 was overwhelmingly elected as Argentina’s new President by a popular margin of 55.5%.
Jim Brown
Fake Banks and Real Banks
We observe a run on deposits in a commercial bank, then observe that the same thing can happen to other financial institutions, then mistakenly assume these institutions are essentially the same.
Money Creation, Then And Now
One good way to understand the current monetary system is to gain a basic understanding of banking history.
Money Creation: Who Cares?
Commercial banks do not lend out other peoples’ money. On the contrary, banks create new money every time they make a loan.
Ayn Rand, Ludwig Von Mises & Capitalism: An Interview With George Reisman
It is no exaggeration to say I have learned more about the science of economics from George Reisman than from all other economists combined.
Monetary Cancel Culture
Whether the bank sanctions hurt Putin or not, they will have far-reaching effects on many innocent people, and not only in Russia. To understand these effects, consider what happens when a bank account is “frozen.”
Money From Nothing, Part 2
Those dollar bills in your pocket came from bank deposits, created out of thin air.
Money From Nothing
How does money come into existence today?
Top 1% of U.S. Earners Hold an Unprecedented Portion of the Wealth
There’s nothing unfair about wealth disparity in a free market, but the economic divide caused by QE is a gross injustice.
Unmasking Inflation, Part 2
Is consumer price inflation transitory or persistent?
Unmasking Inflation
The Fed’s fixation on consumer prices disguises the real inflation rate.
False Profits
Record profits are not the sign of a resilient economy but an inflationary effect of reckless money creation
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