Jeff Jacoby

Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe. This is an excerpt from his weekly newsletter, Arguable, and is reprinted with permission. To subscribe to Arguable at no charge, click here.

Palestinian Authority: A Network of Murderers Masquerading As Government

Three Americans -- John Branchizio, Mark Parson, and John Martin Linde -- were murdered last Wednesday when terrorists in Gaza bombed the diplomatic convoy they were riding in. News accounts immediately described the attack as a first -- ''an unprecedented deadly...

New Words for the Same Old Hustle

What would Martin Luther King Jr. have made of a recent ad last month (Jan 21) in the Boston Globe? On Page 10, to honor King's memory and legacy, a full-page ad reproduced the peroration of his unforgettable 1963 speech at the Lincoln Memorial: "I have a dream that...

Keeping Your Cool on Global Warming

Keeping Your Cool on Global Warming

Q. What are you chuckling at? A. This news story. Apparently satellite photos now confirm that the polar ice caps are shrinking and the planet's temperature is increasing. As more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, more of the sun's heat is getting...

Saudi Arabia: America’s Dysfunctional “Friend”

For Thanksgiving in 1990, former President George H.W. Bush went to Saudi Arabia to visit the 400,000 American soldiers stationed there as part of Operation Desert Shield. The Saudis welcomed Bush, but made it clear that no Christian worship -- including grace before...

Ted Kennedy Wants Your Money

In a demonstration that the more things change, the more they remain the same, Senator Ted Kennedy called last week for expanding the public sector at the expense of the private one. His speech at the National Press Club in Washington drew a lot of media attention --...

The Source of Al Qaeda Terrorism: Saudi Arabia

The newest source of tension in the increasingly strained Saudi-American relationship is the revelation that nearly two-thirds of the 158 Al Qaeda terrorists being held at Guantanamo are citizens of Saudi Arabia. Prince Nayef, the Saudi interior minister, is demanding...

Hate Speech from the Left

"It's hard not to notice that political discussion over the last decade has increasingly degenerated into name-calling," Brian Anderson wrote in the Manhattan Institute's City Journal last year. "The insults most often come from the left: 'racist,' 'homophobe,'...

America’s “Pretend Friend” Saudi Arabia

Some of the world's most offensive contemporary fiction is being produced by the government of Saudi Arabia. Consider the mainstream Saudi newspaper Al-Jazeera, which recently asserted that terrorism against the United States does not stem from Islamist extremism with...

Guns in the Hands of Private Citizens Make Us All Safer

Guns in the Hands of Private Citizens Make Us All Safer

For the gun controllers, the year gone by was bleak. As 2001 began, their lawsuits against gun manufacturers were being dismissed in one city after another. An attorney general nominee they bitterly opposed was confirmed. Soon after, he wrote to the National Rifle...

“African American” Blackmailers Come to Harvard

I had been thinking that Harvard did well to make former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers its new president last summer, and when the news broke recently that Summers had so offended the stars of the university's Afro-American Studies Department that they were...

The Myth of the Arab Country of Palestine

A common misconception about Arab terrorism against Israel is that it is committed in an effort to derail the "peace process." President Bush echoed that fiction on Sunday when he commented on a wave of ghastly attacks that had just killed 26 Israeli civilians and...

How John Walker Turned into a Taliban Terrorist

It isn't the case that the parents of John Walker -- the Marin County child of privilege turned Taliban terrorist -- never drew the line with their son. True, they didn't do so when he was 14 and his consuming passion was collecting hip-hop CDs with especially nasty...

A Palestinian Education

Last month, retired Marine General Anthony Zinni began a visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the latest in a depressingly long line of US envoys sent to nudge along the Israeli-Arab "peace process." Zinni's mission, it is safe to say, will achieve what all...

Saudi Arabia’s “Devotion” to the United States

To hear Prince Bandar tell it, Saudi Arabia is devoted to the United States. "Our role," the Saudi ambassador said in a CNN interview some weeks ago, "is to stand solid and shoulder-to-shoulder with our friends, the people of the United States.... In 1990, when we...

The Justice Department’s Unjust Monopoly

If nothing else, the Microsoft case showed how ferocious federal prosecutors can be in fighting "monopolistic predators." Let a company try to stifle competition, let it be accused of obstructing the market or blocking other companies' access to customers, and odds...

A Tribute to Rush Limbaugh

A lot of liberals hate Rush Limbaugh -- or the caricature that they think of as Rush Limbaugh -- but even the most doctrinaire Bolshevik had to feel at least a twinge of sympathy when the nation's preeminent radio personality announced last month that he has gone...

Too Good for Oprah

Jonathan Franzen liked it when Publishers Weekly dubbed his new novel, "The Corrections," a "masterpiece." He liked it when his publisher, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, sent advance copies of the book to reviewers with a note from the editor-in-chief calling it "one of...

The ‘Neutrality Fetish’ of American Journalism

To what do journalists covering this war owe their loyalty? The Journalism 101 answer is: to the story. But what happens when getting out the story means jeopardizing the legitimate war aims of the United States -- or the lives of American soldiers? The answer to that...

Don’t Give a Penny to Amtrak

"I assume I'm talking to a big fan of rail," says Michael Dukakis with a laugh. "Right?" To tell the truth, I have no strong feelings about train travel one way or another. But Dukakis, the former Massachusetts governor and now Amtrak's acting chairman, knows I am no...

With Allies Like These Who Needs Enemies?

Of the five countries described below, can you identify the one(s) excluded from the US-led coalition in the war on terrorism? Country A is free and democratic, a steadfast ally of the United States. Its citizens know what it means to be victimized by terrorism, and...

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