To fully achieve flourishing, the Vietnamese need not only economic but political freedom.
Jaana Woiceshyn
Defending The Innovative Uber Against The Predatory Government
No matter what the management troubles at Uber, it must be defended against any government tax grab or regulation potentially suffocating the company.
The Socialist Fallacy That Capitalism Creates Harmful Monopolies
The narrative of ‘the monopolist jacking up prices to exploit its customers’ only applies to government-granted monopolies, such as the postal service or many utilities.
Why Do People Fear Capitalism?
We have nothing to fear from capitalism and much to gain: the win-win situation of free trade with others, with flourishing for all, according to ability, effort and productivity.
Government Regulations Protect Bad Banks From Competition
The best way to spur ethical conduct by banks—trading value for value with their customers—is to deregulate banking.
Taking The Moral High Ground Against Environmentalist Groups
Only by recognizing the moral value of its work, can business stand up and defend itself like Resolute Forest Products has done.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism Is The Political-Economic Foundation of Innovation
The only thing governments can do to facilitate innovation is to stay away from markets and allow companies compete and trade freely.
Trudeau’s Illogical Leap on Climate Change
Governments’ use of force to curtail CO2 emissions is not only futile—it undermines freedom of business and of the rest of us, and therefore, human prosperity and flourishing.
Businesspeople are Producers, not Predators
Businesspeople who produce material values are not the same as crooks who prey on gullible investors or customers or both, and produce nothing.
What Does It Take to “Make America Great Again”?
Preferring American-made products to those made in China or Mexico just because they were made in America, does not enhance American prosperity.
Immoral Government: “Phasing Out” Fossil Fuels
Fonda’s attack on the oil sands is inconsequential; Trudeau’s is evil.
Flourishing Business Needs Free Markets
iPhones would never have been created in a centrally planned economy where the government regulates the prices, from CEO pay to those of products.
Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future
While often criticizing government for curtailing our freedom instead of protecting it and businesspeople (or others) for failing to act ethically, I want to focus on the positive in my last post of the year.
Anti-Development is Anti-Life
The environmentalist and other activist leaders concentrate on reversing human progress and diminishing human well-being as much as possible.
Government “Free” Trade Deals Don’t Promote Freedom
Truly free trade can only take place in free markets, not in the prevailing mixed economies where governments pick favored trading partners
Fraud is Not an Ethical Dilemma: Avoiding Scams Like the Wells Fargo Fake Accounts
Clear moral principles, such as honesty, make the right—the self-interested, win-win—course of action so much easier.
Trump: Wrong On Free Trade
Protectionism is not a recipe for prosperity—free trade is.
The Corporate Social Responsibility “Package Deal”
CSR also sneaks in the ideal of altruism, the duty to serve others “to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm.”
Bad Business: The Moral Sanction of the Regulatory State
By clearly and publicly withdrawing their moral sanction of government’s freedom-curtailing and welfare-destroying actions, business leaders can have a big impact on all of our future.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism: The Solution to the Oil and Gas Unemployment Crisis
Government-caused uncertainty, such as not approving pipeline construction or imposing more taxes (such as the carbon tax), discourages investment and thus prevents employment recovery.
No Business Should Cheer a Carbon Tax
Telus doesn’t get that its role is the creation of material values (cell phone service), not encouraging more taxation. On the contrary, it should oppose the carbon tax and any other taxes as they destroy human welfare.
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