CEO pay caps and minimum wages are immoral because both curtail individual freedom by government force—yet, freedom is the fundamental requirement of human flourishing and prosperity.
Jaana Woiceshyn
What Makes Progress Possible?
Inventing vaccines, restoring eye sight, developing new and more efficient food sources, increasing productivity, reducing poverty, all depend on human ingenuity: our exercising reason to solve problems and to create.
FCC Ends The Net Neutrality Attack on Internet Freedom
Regulating public utilities to be “neutral” has led to ever-escalating prices and poor service (think of postal services and roads), due to inefficient operations and the lack of incentives—competition—to lower costs and to improve service.
Wither Post-Carbon Economy?
Why are businesses not gearing up for the post-carbon economy?
Wealth Creation is Not a Zero Sum Game
Those producing and trading goods and services for profit are not taking anything away from others—the producers and traders are creating material values that would not exist without their productivity.
Racism in Business
Collectivists believe that individuals have value and identity only as members of a group, whether a tribe, a member of a political movement, a race. Therefore, collectivists hold, we should judge people as members of a group, not as individual human beings based on their own character or conduct.
Books: The Moral Case for Finance
The essential moral case for finance that Brook and Watkins present is that finance is good by the standard of human flourishing.
Every Job is a Thinking Job
Thinking on the job, and in every other aspect of life, is a virtue necessary for human flourishing.
When Government is Anti-Business—and What To Do About It
As Ayn Rand explains, the only proper role of government is to protect citizens against the initiation of physical force and fraud, through the police, the armed services, and the courts.
Government Intervention: The Great Job Killer
Government cannot create jobs because it does not produce anything.
Dealing With Bullies At Work
So how to deal with a workplace bully? The only effective way to do so is to apply appropriate moral principles: rationality, integrity and justice.
Objective Moral Principles Make Decisions Easier
Thanks to Ayn Rand and the objective moral principles she identified, we can make moral decisions more easily—and achieve our values in the long term.
Should the Nanny State Dictate Training for Uber Drivers?
Should government be an all-knowing, benevolent nanny who tells us how we must live, for our own good?
Art, Business, and First-Handed Productiveness
It is important to choose work that you enjoy.
Altruist Morality Equals Bad Economics
If we embraced the moral code of rational egoism, we would solve all of today’s economic problems … and reach unprecedented human prosperity and flourishing
How To Be a Better Boss
Their pragmatist mindset of “skip the philosophy; just give me the practical tips,” hinders them from becoming better managers.
Business Requires a Rational Ethics
Not all ethics guide us to achieve happy, fulfilling lives
Bernie Madoff: Lessons From an Ayn Rand Villain
Madoff was what Ayn Rand would call a second-hander: someone who tries to gain values by pleasing and manipulating others rather than thinking for himself based on observation of facts and supporting himself through productive work.
What Motivates Amazon’s Critics?
What really drives Amazin’s critics is a hatred of success: success of anyone who is achieving more than others.
The Virtue of Profit Maximization
There is no virtue in restraining the pursuit of profit: profit maximization is moral.
The Facts About Corporate Taxation
Taxing corporate income doesn’t benefit but hurts workers while discouraging investment.
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