By preventing technology-enabled new markets for accommodations and ride sharing from operating, the government is violating the companies’ and their customers’ right to liberty and property.
Jaana Woiceshyn
End “Hegemonic Capitalism” to Solve Human-Caused Climate Change?
What the environmentalists are advocating—ending freedom via a socialist dictatorship—is a sure path to environmental disasters and human misery.
Energy Companies and The Nobility of the Profit Motive
The view that the profit motive is evil and the undefinable goals of “corporate social responsibility” and “environmental sustainability” are noble is the reverse of the truth.
Greenpeace’s Campaign Against Human Flourishing
It is Greenpeace that we should watch and call out on, exposing its propaganda and plans to destroy human well-being. It is companies like Shell and Lego that we should defend and thank for providing us not only necessities of life but products that make our lives more comfortable and enjoyable.
Market Competition is Good and Government Meddling is Bad
If we want to enjoy lower prices and better quality products and services, whether in air travel, cell phone service, health care, or anything else, the solution is to stop the government from trying to manage markets and to make them free instead, thus increasing competition.
Businesses Should Be Free to Hire Foreign Workers
Businesses should be free to hire whoever will help them to create most value for their customers and shareholders, regardless of nationality.
The “National Interest” vs. Freedom of Trade
The idea of some kind of collective national interest is mistaken: having products manufactured in the United States or in Canada is not inherently in the interest of Americans or Canadians; having products manufactured wherever it can be done most efficiently—provided the markets are free—is.
Independent “Heretical” Thinking vs. The Dogma of “Settled Science”
Instead of shutting down independent thinking on university campuses and elsewhere, we should defend freedom of thought and expression wherever we can.
The Myth of “Unfair” Martkets and “Extreme” Capitalism
It is the government efforts to “moderate” capitalism and to make markets “fair” that create the unfairness they claim to alleviate.
Income Level is Not a Social Issue
How much money someone makes is nobody else’s business, as long as they earn the money honestly, without initiating force or fraud, and are not forced to do it.
Following the Majority vs Independence and Integrity
Ayn Rand convincingly demonstrated that our survival and thriving depends on identifying and consistently applying valid principles, no matter how “extreme” they may be considered by those clinging to the majority consensus.
Why is Capitalism Not Appreciated?
Fulford’s characterization of capitalism is inaccurate and non-essential and therefore worth analyzing here.
The Virtue of Pride: The Policy of Doing Your Best
According to conventional morality, pride is a sin. According to Aristotle, it is the crown of all virtues.
Minimum Wage Laws are Immoral
The government has no business in dictating voluntary trade between employers and employees. The minimum wage laws are immoral and should be abolished, leaving businesses and workers free to prosper.
Bono vs. Bill Gates: A Capitalist or a Statist Route to End Poverty?
The fundamental elements of capitalism—the recognition of individual rights to life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness and private ownership of property—are a crucial requirement of wealth creation.
Aversion to Capitalism
Business schools do not do a good job of educating their students about capitalism.
Genetically Modified Foods: A Tremendous Human Achievement
Genetically modified foods are a tremendous human achievement and value.
Objections Against Capitalism: The Perils of “Too Much” Freedom
The argument for limiting our freedom—and for objecting capitalism, a system of freedom—is based on a dismal view of human beings.
Crying for Argentina
If the Argentinians can reduce the size of their government and turn it from ruining the economy to protecting individual rights, there will be much to cheer for in Argentina.
Leadership and The BB&T Philosophy
The foundation of BB&T’s success is its principles.
Envy vs. Achievement
Ayn Rand called envy “the hatred of the good for being the good.” Instead of hating and envying the good, let’s love and thank the good for being the good.
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