George Selgin

George Selgin is a Professor of Economics at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business. He is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. His writings also appear on His research covers a broad range of topics within the field of monetary economics, including monetary history, macroeconomic theory, and the history of monetary thought. He is the author of The Theory of Free Banking, Bank Deregulation and Monetary Order, and several other books. He holds a B.A. in economics and zoology from Drew University, and a Ph.D. in economics from New York University.

What Money Is, and What It Isn’t

A Three-Pronged Blunder, or, what Money is, and what it isn’t.

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 9: Monetary Control, Today

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 9: Monetary Control, Today

Instead of endeavoring to influence a market-determined federal funds rate by reducing or increasing the supply of bank reserves, the Fed now adjusts a pair of rates determined solely by its own administrative decrees, while conducting open-market operations without any particular reference to these rate adjustments.

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 7: Monetary Control, Then

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 7: Monetary Control, Then

“Monetary control” refers to the various procedures and devices the Fed and other central banks employ in their attempts to regulate the overall availability of liquid assets, and through it the general course of spending, prices, and employment, in the economies they oversee.

Free Banking and the Federal Reserve

The record of past "free banking" systems, in which paper currency consisted of competitively supplied banknotes, contradicts the widespread belief that central banks play an essential part in promoting financial stability....

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 6: The Reserve-Deposit Multiplier

The multiplier’s significance to monetary policy is, or used to be, straightforward: it indicated the quantity of additional bank deposits that monetary authorities could expect to see banks produce in response to any increment of new bank reserves supplied them by means of either open-market operations or direct central bank loans.

The Myth of the Myth of Barter

The Myth of the Myth of Barter

There is, after all, at least one impulse among humans that’s more deep-seated than their “propensity to truck, barter, and exchange.” I mean, of course, their propensity to let themselves be thoroughly bamboozled.

On Free Banking, Monetary Rules, and Crusades

On Free Banking, Monetary Rules, and Crusades

Free banking and monetary rules were rival ideas for guarding against abuses of discretionary monetary policy, today they are properly seen as complementary schemes, one for improving the performance of the banking system, the other for reforming the base-money regime.

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 5: The Supply of Money

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 5: The Supply of Money

On the Fed’s “instruments of monetary control,” which include devices for regulating the total quantity of bank reserves and circulating Federal Reserve notes, and also for regulating the quantity of bank deposits and other forms of privately-created money that will be supported by any given quantity of bank reserves.

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 2: The Demand for Money

A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 2: The Demand for Money

How can a central bank manage a quantity without being certain just how to define, let alone measure, that quantity? How is it possible for the quantity of money supplied to differ from the quantity demanded? When those things do differ, how can one tell? Finally, just what does “the demand for money” mean?

The State and 100 Percent Reserve Banking

The State and 100 Percent Reserve Banking

Free bankers have been fighting a war on two fronts. On one they face champions of central banking and managed money. On the other they struggle against advocates of 100-percent reserve banking. Although the second front is a lot smaller than the first, it’s far from being unimportant, in part because the battle there is being fought against people who generally favor free markets, who might have been expected to join rather than to oppose our cause.

Ten Things Every Economist Should Know about the Gold Standard

Ten Things Every Economist Should Know about the Gold Standard

The gold standard was hardly perfect, and gold bugs themselves sometimes make silly claims about their favorite former monetary standard. But these things don’t excuse the errors many economists commit in their eagerness to find fault with that “barbarous relic.”

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