Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia enforce some version, whereby a state board or commission artificially limits the number of hospitals and emergency rooms built or medical devices or services acquired.
Gavin Wax
Universal Basic Income Makes Welfare More Efficient, Which is Bad, Dummy
Sadly, conservatives and libertarians are perpetuating this myth that the UBI will replace the overgrown welfare system, or serve as a substantial alternative.
Insider Trading Laws Are About Envy, Not What’s Good for the Country
Insider trading laws are simply the ruling bureaucratic elite’s means toward total power.
FDA is a Demonstration of The Failure of Government (“Universal”) Regulated Medicine
The COVID-19 crisis is the result of decades of FDA rule.
Crackdown on ‘Price Gouging’ Benefits Politicians and The Media
So-called “price gouging” is a gimmick used by politicians and the media to rally supporters and viewers.
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