Elan Journo

Elan Journo is director of policy research at the Ayn Rand Institute. His latest book -- What Justice Demands: America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- is on American policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Visit his website at elanjourno.com

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What Justice Demands

Elan Journo explains the essential nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and what has fueled it for so long. What justice demands, he shows, is that we evaluate both adversaries according to a universal moral ideal: individual liberty.

Death to “Diplomacy” with Iran

The widely hailed diplomatic effort led by Britain, France and Germany is touted as a reasonable way to settle the dispute over Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program without any losers. By enticing Iran to the negotiating table, we are told, the West can avoid a...

Rewarding the MVPs of the Business World

As millions of Americans watch the New England Patriots take on the Philadelphia Eagles, every minute of the game will be scrutinized, with slow-motion replays and a torrent of statistics. But, amid the cheers and groans, don't expect to hear complaints from fans...

Arafat’s Undeserved Honor: The West’s Shame

What made Yasir Arafat's final days appalling was not the farcical prevarications about whether he were dead or alive, nor the soap-opera quarrel between his wife and his political cronies; it was that so evil a man commanded so much respect. Since his airlift to a...

Multiculturalism’s War on Education

Back to school nowadays means back to classrooms, lessons and textbooks permeated by multiculturalism and its championing of "diversity." Many parents and teachers regard multiculturalism as an indispensable educational supplement, a salutary influence that "enriches"...

Why Are CEOs Paid So Much?

Are America's CEOs paid more than they deserve? Many people's answer is a vehement: Yes. That view is reinforced anew every spring, when companies file their financial statements and we learn how much CEOs were paid last year. In 2003 the average pay for CEOs at 200...

Rewarding the MVPs of the Business World

As millions of Americans watch the New England Patriots take on the Carolina Panthers, every minute of the game will be scrutinized, from all angles and with action replays. But, amid the cheers of victory and cries of disappointment, you won't hear a whisper of...

The Mounting Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

As we combat Islamic terrorism abroad, we must recognize the deadly threat posed by a homegrown source--one that since 1997 has been responsible for over 600 attacks and has inflicted more than $100 million in property damage. The attacks have become bolder, fiercer:...

The Ideological Reconstruction of Iraq

Estimated to cost as much as $200 billion, the plan for rebuilding post-war Iraq is astounding in its scope--from repairing roads and sewer systems to revamping the Iraqi government payroll system and printing school textbooks. Yet no one is paying attention to the...

Capitalists vs. Crooks

Are American corporations being run by crooks in pinstripe suits? According to Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, "infectious greed" is to blame for the scandals engulfing firms like Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing. On this view, which virtually all public...

Homegrown Terrorism: Militant Environmentalism

Homegrown Terrorism: Militant Environmentalism

For years Islamic terrorists attacked Americans throughout the world, and we failed to heed the warning signs: the bombings of Pan Am flight 103 in 1988, of our embassies in Africa in 1998, of the USS Cole in 2000, of the World Trade Center in 1993. This past Sept. 11...

Israel’s Suicide

With unremitting ferocity, Arab terrorists this weekend again attacked Israelis through suicide bombing and sniper fire--brutally killing 22. Despite such carnage, despite Yasser Arafat's hollow promises to quell such violence, despite his record of flouting the terms...

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