On the anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded that the forces of Islamic totalitarianism continue to threaten our lives. What should we do to protect ourselves? Depressingly, today's prevailing answer is to urge some form of "diplomacy"--and rule out as inconceivable...
Elan Journo
Multiculturalism’s War on Education
Back to school nowadays means back to classrooms, lessons and textbooks permeated by multiculturalism and its championing of "diversity." Many parents and teachers regard multiculturalism as an indispensable educational supplement, a salutary influence that "enriches"...
The Nightmare of Being a U.S. Combat Troop in Iraq Hamstrung By Washington’s Battlefield “Ethics”
Americans rightly admire our troops for their bravery, dedication and integrity. The Marines, for instance, are renowned for abiding by an honorable code--as warriors and as individuals in civilian life. They epitomize the rectitude of America's soldiers. But a...
How to Stop Iran?
Bush's disastrous foreign policy--especially the Iraq fiasco--has led many to conclude that diplomatic "engagement" is our best hope for stopping Iran's nuclear program. But while Bush's policy is a failure, engagement is not the solution. Bush's "moralistic"...
Multiculturalism’s Real Agenda
Back to school nowadays means back to classrooms, lessons and textbooks permeated by multiculturalism and its championing of "diversity." Many parents and teachers regard multiculturalism as an indispensable educational supplement, a salutary influence that "enriches"...
Washington’s Make-Believe Policy on Iran
The Bush administration claims to have a way to deter the militant theocracy of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons--and thwart its ambition to bring "death to America." Washington's plan aims to pressure Teheran, financially and psychologically. The idea is to cut...
Diplomacy Only Encourages North Korea’s Belligerence
There is only one solution to the “North Korea problem”: the United States and its allies must abandon the suicidal policy of appeasement.
What Bush Did Wrong in Iraq
The Iraq Study Group has issued many specific recommendations, but the options boil down to a maddeningly limited range: pull out or send more troops to do democracy-building and, either way, "engage" the hostile regimes in Iran and Syria. Missing from the list is the...
Washington’s Failed War in Afghanistan
America's campaign in Afghanistan was once widely hailed as a success in the "war on terror." We have nothing more to fear from Afghanistan, our policy makers told us, because the war had accomplished its two main goals: al Qaeda and its sponsoring regime, the...
Appeasing a Mortal Enemy: The U.S.-Israeli Suicide Pact
The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah axis is fully responsible for initiating the war on Israel, but the Islamists' aggression is the logical product of U.S.-Israeli policy. The longstanding commitment of Israel and America to "diplomatic engagement" with Palestinians and...
Diplomacy Only Encourages North Korea’s Belligerence
After decades of chasing nuclear weapons, North Korea is on the brink of success. Worse yet, it may already have the means of mounting an attack against us. According to news reports, North Korea is about to test-fire a powerful long-range missile capable of...
Washington’s Failed War in Afghanistan
Unlike the seemingly endless war in Iraq, America's campaign in Afghanistan is widely considered a success in the "war on terror." We have nothing more to fear from Afghanistan, our policy makers tell us, because the war accomplished its two main goals: al Qaeda and...
Washington’s Pro-Hamas Foreign Policy
America's policy of backing "land for peace" deals in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was supposed to stop Palestinian terrorism and culminate in a Palestinian state coexisting with Israel "side by side in peace and security." But after years of Israeli concessions,...
Why Are CEOs Paid So Much?
The Coca Cola Co. has instituted a significant new plan for compensating its directors: they will not receive payment unless the company meets its financial targets. But even if other corporations adopted similar arrangements, it would do nothing to dispel the rampant...
Why “Diplomacy” with Iran Had to Fail
European diplomats, who courted Iran in an attempt to halt its suspected nuclear weapons program, regret that "diplomacy" did not dissuade Iran from its plans. But this failure was foreseeable. Europe's diplomatic effort was touted as a reasonable way to settle the...
Why Are CEOs Paid So Much?
As millions of Americans watch the Seattle Seahawks take on the Pittsburgh Steelers, every minute of the game will be scrutinized, with slow-motion replays and a torrent of statistics. But, amid the cheers and groans, don't expect to hear complaints from fans about...
The Injustice of Saddam’s Trial
The American-endorsed trial of Saddam Hussein is touted as an opportunity to render justice and lay the groundwork for an Iraqi transition from the arbitrary courts of a dictatorship to a proper legal system. But the trial will accomplish neither goal. A trial that...
The UN’s “Virtue” Is Its Vice: How The United Nation’s Neutrality Props Up Evil Regimes
More than 170 political leaders from around the world recently met at the United Nations to consider what the New York Times called "the most sweeping institutional changes" in the organization's history. But this exercise was, predictably, hopeless. Although both...
The Perversity of U.S. Backing for the Gaza Retreat
Israel’s retreat from Gaza–rightly celebrated by terrorists–is neither a means of fostering peace, nor a solution for the plight of innocent Palestinians.
“Diplomacy” Aids North Korea’s Nuclear Weapon’s Program
North Korea threatens us, we respond with negotiations, gifts and concessions, and it reemerges with even greater belligerence.
Betraying the Real Freedom Fighters in Taiwan
Failing to endorse Taiwan’s legitimate claim to independence means consigning its people to the predations of a totalitarian regime.
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