Ayn Rand’s assessment of modern “liberals” differs radically from the criticisms leveled by conservatives, a group she is often wrongly lumped in with.
Elan Journo
America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The actual injustice is that America has sold out the region’s only free society, Israel—along with freedom-seeking people across the Middle East and among the Palestinian community—while empowering jihadist forces.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What Justice Demands
Elan Journo explains the essential nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and what has fueled it for so long. What justice demands, he shows, is that we evaluate both adversaries according to a universal moral ideal: individual liberty.
While Time Remains & Freedom in America: A Conversation with North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park
A Conversation with North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park.
What Iranian Protesters Deserve from Us
We vastly underappreciate the power of America’s moral sanction.
Book Review: “Woke Racism” by John McWhorter
What is it that the “woke” believe?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Migration, Islam and Women as Prey
Europe’s immigration failures — enabled by denial and appeasement — are symptoms of a moral-intellectual vacuum.
Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism
New ARI Book Examines What Went Wrong After 9/11
“National Conservatism” Betrays America’s Founding Ideals
“National conservatism” seeks to subjugate the “I” to the authority of the “we.” The emergence of “national conservatism” is an ominous trend for American political life. Its advocates often stress the themes of patriotism and love of country and even political freedom. But the substance of their views is a betrayal of America’s founding ideals.
The Moral Meaning of the Berlin Wall
Life in the socialist utopia of East Germany was a waking nightmare.
Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic: Scientists
It’s a curious fact that most of us know way more about sports and pop culture, than about the pioneers of scientific research. But the benefits we’ve all reaped from their work is incalculable, and it’s clear that our way out of this global pandemic will depend crucially on scientists working to understand, track, and combat the novel coronavirus.
Trump’s Contradictory Statements on the COVID-19 Pandemic Inflame People’s Uncertainty, Fear, and Panic
In a time of crisis we need leaders to communicate openly, frankly, and truthfully.
Abolish Billionaires!
“I don’t think that billionaires should exist,” Sanders explained. The crusade’s rallying cry: “Abolish billionaires.” To that end, Warren and Sanders have each proposed special taxes on the ultra-rich.
Iran, Not Iraq, Was and Still Is The Fundamental Issue
Iraq was never the fundamental issue; the Iran-led ascent of the Islamist movement was and still is.
How Can an Atheist Support a “Religious” State Like Israel?
We should recognize Israel’s fundamental nature as a free society, and lend it our moral endorsement so long as that remains a defining feature
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is Not Fundamentally About “Stolen” Arab Land
Collectivist claims to land based on heredity or ancestral links often reflect a xenophobic, or worse, motivation: the desire to exclude “outsiders” precisely because they differ from your racial or tribal group.
The Palestinian Movement vs. Freedom Loving Palestinians
The Palestinian movement is divided between would-be quasi-secular dictators and Islamist theocrats, and it exploits its own people, disposing of their lives as cheap.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is Solvable
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is solvable, and we can secure American interests in the Middle East, but there’s no shortcut.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is Fundamentally Ideological
To view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as just a quarrel over one piece of land fails to recognize the fundamental nature of this conflict.
Bernie Sanders Against Freedom of the Press
The Sanders plan would clear the path for any authoritarian to dictate whatever he defines as “real journalism.”
What Would a Palestinian State Actually Look Like?
The idea of national self-determination cannot be a license to subjugate. No individual, no group of individuals, no self-identified national community has the moral right to create a tyrannical regime.
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