You’re gonna make it after all.
Dr Michael Hurd
Los Angeles Police Targets Taxi Union Competitors
Deregulate the taxi industry.
Why Regressive Leftists Cry Racism
Individualism is the only alternative to racism. Anyone who claims to abhor racism while still embracing the victim-soaked, collectivistic rule-by-force mentality of socialistic progressive leftism enjoys no credibility at all.
Ending Government Cronyism
Cronyism is what happens when government interferes in the economy.
What Voting Is and Is Not
When you vote for people to do uncivilized things, you get uncivilized people to do those things for you.
Democrats’ Race Fixation Comes Back to Bite Them
Millions of black voters were told to vote for Obama because of his race.
Why So Many Politicians Are Crooks
Who’s best equipped to rob from one group of people for the sake of the another? Career politicians, of course.
The New Black Segregation at California State University is Still Racism
The civil rights movement started out in the 1950s and 1960s as against white-black segregation. And now, half a century later, we’re back to full-fledged white-black segregation at California state schools.
Left-Wing Fascism in Germany
In Germany, it appears that all you need to do to land in jail is be accused by a judge of having a “clear right-wing background.” Has Germany learned nothing from its prior experiences with fascism?
Muhammad Ali and the Military Draft
“If the state may force a man to risk death or hideous maiming and crippling, in a war declared at the state’s discretion, for a cause he may neither approve of nor even understand, if his consent is not required to send him into unspeakable martyrdom—then, in principle, all rights are negated in that state, and its government is not man’s protector any longer. What else is there left to protect?”
Fear of Aging
Q: I'm terribly afraid of aging. I'm only in my forties, but I think about it a lot. Is there anything you can do to help? A: You're aging -- we're all aging -- from the minute we're born. Ruminating about something over which you have no control only serves to raise...
Fighting Over Transgender Bathrooms While America Burns
Bathrooms are among the most private of private property. We don’t need government determining the make-up or use of bathrooms.
Protectionism No Better than Socialism
“The philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war.”
Bill Nye: The Tyrant Guy
What’s fascinating, in a psychologically dark way, is the rationalized justification Nye provides for chilling and outlawing dissenting opinion.
Europe Sacrifices Free Speech for Political Correctness
Geert Wilders is on trial not for his actions, but for his opinions.
Bill Clinton Exposes The Hypocrisy Of “Black Lives Matter” Protestors
Black people die far more often at the hands of other black people than at the hands of white people.
Acts of War in Europe: Brussels Takes Another Hit From Radical Islam
Islamic radicals are the ones who seek to take us back to another dark ages.
Trump Is Not Responsible for Violence Against Him
You don’t have to like Donald Trump, or his positions, to be uspet about what’s happening to freedom of speech and association in America.
A Response To Robert Reich’s Open Letter to the Republican Establishment
If you want to get rid of the Republican Establishment, Mr. Reich, you’ve got to outlaw what Ayn Rand called the aristocracy of pull. How? Bring on economic freedom.
Real capitalism, not socialism, will wash the cronies away.
Valentine’s Day Reflections
Valentine’s Day is a great way to celebrate a love you already have. But if it’s a way to make up for your lack of appreciating your love the rest of the year, you better do some thinking.
Bill Gates Against Capitalism and Freedom
I wish that people who make millions or billions of dollars, such as Bill Gates, would stop denigrating and seeking to undermine the very system that enabled them to be successful in the first place: capitalism.
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