If you were sick and needed a kidney transplant, you would soon find out that there is a waiting line--and that there are 70,000 people ahead of you, 4,000 of whom will die within a year. If you couldn't find a willing and compatible donor among your friends and...
David Holcberg
Who Is Gouging Whom?
Last Wednesday the House of Representatives passed legislation instituting penalties of up to $150 million for companies and up to $2 million and 10 years' imprisonment for individuals found guilty of gasoline "price gouging." But the real gouger driving up gasoline...
Human Organs for Sale?
The organ-transplant tragedy at UC Irvine Medical Center, where according to the Los Angeles Times "more than 30 people died awaiting liver transplants . . . as the hospital turned down scores of organs that might have saved them," illustrates the terrible situation...
U.S. Must Stop Iran from Developing Nuclear Weapons
Gerhard Schroder's suggestion to "take the military option off the table" in dealing with Iran's advancing nuclear program should be dismissed. No amount of "negotiations" and "incentives" will persuade the Iranian mullahs to give up their quest for nuclear weapons....
The Terrorists’ Motivation: From the Camel’s Mouth
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, President Bush declared: "These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith." But the Muslim murderer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh knows better than our president, and recently...
Senators Were Right To Reject Limits on Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The sixty Senators who voted to reject a measure calling for mandatory limits on carbon dioxide emissions did the right thing. Such mandatory limits would impose huge costs on energy producers and consumers. Despite environmentalists' propaganda, there is plenty of...
“Public” Use vs. Property Rights
In another heavy blow to property rights, the Supreme Court has ruled against the homeowners in the New London, Connecticut, eminent domain case, and further entrenched the legal principle that government can seize an individual's property for "public use" whenever it...
U.S. Government Should Not Help Tsunami Victims (Updated)
As the death toll mounts in the areas hit by Sunday's tsunami in southern Asia, private organizations and individuals are scrambling to send out money and goods to help the victims. Such help may be entirely proper, especially considering that most of those affected...
Preventing 9/11: “A Failure of Imagination”?
Contrary to the claim by the 9/11 commission chairman, the failure to prevent 9/11 was not "a failure of imagination." It was a failure of cognition. For decades prior to 9/11, terrorist attacks against Americans were perpetrated without any noticeable response from...
The Moral Bankruptcy of the U.N. Human Rights Commission
The re-election of Sudan to the U.N. Human Rights Commission--chaired by terrorist-sponsoring Libya in 2003--demonstrates once again the total moral bankruptcy of the United Nations. The list of atrocities and violations of human rights in Sudan is endless. As Human...
ImClone’s Sam Waksal Should Have Read Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’
If Sam Waksal had read Atlas Shrugged, he may have walked free. In a memorable scene in Atlas Shrugged, Hank Rearden, a self-made steel magnate, sat, like Waksal, in a courtroom, on trial. Rearden, like Waksal, had violated the law. Rearden's crime had been to sell...
Are the Media Giving You the Whole Story on Global Warming?
Some of the facts, but not all of them.
The Morality of Genetic Engineering
Next week in Toronto, the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Organization will take place, amid protests by environmentalists who want to prohibit genetic engineering. This is a conflict between the creators of a technology that has saved countless lives and...
Should Genes Be Patented?
On October 2000, I argued in "Who Owns Your Genes?" that naturally occurring genes should not be patented because they are not inventions, but discoveries of what already exists in nature. On January 2001, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) issued its...
Therapeutic Cloning is Pro-Life
On November 25 Advanced Cell Technologies announced the creation of the first cloned human embryo. The company described its achievement as a crucial step in therapeutic cloning research, which aims at cloning new organs to replace damaged ones. Like healthy new skin...
Free Dr. Kevorkian
The Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed last week the murder conviction of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who was sentenced in 1999 to 10 to 25 years in prison. He was convicted on charges of second-degree murder in a clear-cut case of assisted suicide. Was justice done-or...
The Right to Inhale
On May 14th, the US Supreme Court reached a verdict on the case of U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Cooperative. By unanimous decision the Court ruled that manufacturers and distributors of marijuana cannot claim the medical needs of their customers as defense against federal...
The United States Should Withdraw From the United Nations
The reason why the US accepts these dictatorial nations is because America has partially fallen for the false ideologies of self-determination and multiculturalism.
Let There Be Free Trade
Leaders of 34 American countries are meeting this weekend in Quebec City at the Summit of the Americas to discuss the establishment of a free trade zone extending from Canada to Chile. A Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is a top priority of the Bush...
Who Cares For A Green Latte at Starbucks?
On March 20th, environmentalist activists besieged Starbucks cafes all over the country. Their goal? To impose on the company, and on us, coffee lovers, their own idea of which ingredients should go into our lattes and cappuccinos. This latest campaign, organized by...
The War On Merit
America faces a serious threat. It comes from a war being fought within our own borders. The war is on merit, and it may ultimately decide the fate of our society. One place this war is being fought, and lost, is in the U.S. Army. The losers are the Army Rangers, the...
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