Forcing companies to allow content is the flip side of prohibiting them from expressing certain ideas. These are the two side of the censorship coin.
Brian Phillips
To Lower Rents Increase The Profits From Building Rental Housing
Housing activists think that the solution to the housing shortage is to shackle housing producers.
Defending the Free Market
We can’t predict what solutions and innovations that free individuals will discover. However, we do know that free individuals, and only free individuals, can and do find solutions and innovations.
California Housing: Force Isn’t the Solution
In 2024, voter in Los Angeles will vote on an initiative that would force hotel operators to rent vacant rooms to the city’s homeless.
Conservatives Abandon Property Rights
Conservatives should remember their past support for property rights. But more importantly, they need to discover what that principle truly means. Until they do so, conservatives will continue to abandon property rights.
Raising a Family on a Minimum Wage: The Elephant in the Room
If we truly want to help low-income households, then we must begin by holding individuals accountable and counsel them to make better choices.
Antitrust Lawsuit Against PGA is Unfounded
Eleven professional golfers, including Phil Mickelson, have filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the Professional Golf Association (PGA).
The “Right to Organize” and Freedom of Association
Tenants have the right to organize if they so choose. And landlords have the right to recognize those unions or not.
It’s All About Property Rights
Ayn Rand correctly wrote that without property rights, no other rights are possible.
A Noncrisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Just as statists use a crisis to advance their agenda, advocates of the free market should use a noncrisis to advance our cause.
A Case Study in Nuisance
Nuisance is highly contextual. An action that constitutes a nuisance in one context may not be a nuisance in another context.
Rent Control is Fascism
Rent control provides a pretense of private property.
The Lust for Power and Tenant’s Rights
Economic power is founded on voluntary trade. Political power is founded on physical force.
Rental Lease Options: Unattractive Alternatives Isn’t Force
We may not always like the alternatives that we face, but choosing between unattractive alternatives isn’t force.
Affordable Housing: The Costs of Democracy in California
On the one hand, housing advocates and public officials decry the state’s housing shortage. On the other hand, they continue to advocate for more controls and restrictions to be piled onto the shoulders of housing producers.
The Progressive Framework is Anti-individual
The Progressive framework relegates the individual to second-class status. The collective reigns supreme.
Texas’ War on Free Speech
Social media companies are not a threat to free speech. Governments that do not respect property rights are.
White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci Supports Dictatorship
In his zeal to protect the nonexistent entity known as “the public,” Fauci ignores the individuals who comprise the public. Individuals don’t matter to Fauci or any other would-be tyrant.
Alternatives to Public Libraries
America’s past, is replete with examples of voluntary, cooperative associations which provided for the many needs of the citizenry. One of the most striking examples is the evolution of libraries in pre-Civil War America. Even today, alternatives to tax-sup-ported libraries exist.
Logic: The Vaccine for an Infodemic
To determine the truth on any issue, whether we are in an infodemic or not, we must examine the facts. More importantly, we must arm ourselves with the proper method for examining those facts.
Coming to the Nuisance
Coming to the nuisance essentially means “first in time, first in rights.”
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