Art Carden

Art Carden is a Senior Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He is also an Associate Professor of Economics at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.

Confusing Effort with Achievement: On The Labor Theory of Economic Value

Labor is not, in itself, a source of value. Labor is expended in the pursuit of value, and the market process’s competing bids and offers convert people’s individual assessments into intelligible data called prices.

Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource is The Human Mind

Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource is The Human Mind

Each person born brings a mouth to feed and hands with which to scratch the ground, but most importantly, each new person brings a mind with which to have new ideas. The key, Simon argues, is freedom. When free minds are blessed with political and economic freedom, they can accomplish anything.

Let a Billion Preferences Bloom

Let a Billion Preferences Bloom

There isn’t much room for diversity and dissent, however, when everything is decided politically. Mass customization and diversity are commercial society’s virtues. Mass regimentation and uniformity are political society’s vices. The stark contrast is clear in the proximity between Halloween and Election Day.

Google is Not a Coercive Monopoly

Google is Not a Coercive Monopoly

“Monopoly” means either “the only firm in an industry” or “a firm with explicit, government-granted privileges that prevent other people from competing with it.” Google doesn’t fit the bill.

Slavery Did Not Enrich Americans

Slavery Did Not Enrich Americans

Slavery was not necessary for cotton, and cotton was not necessary for industrialization. Had chattel slavery never taken hold in the United States, we would very likely be richer than we are today.

A May Day Remembrance

A May Day Remembrance

The inescapable conclusion of the Mises-Hayek argument about socialist calculation is that an efficient socialist society cannot be designed.

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