Wayne Dunn

Wayne Dunn writes about political and cultural events from an Objectivist perspective.

Making Resolutions Outlast January

As Ayn Rand put it, a value is something you act to gain or keep. A desire without action then is just a wish.

Free Trade vs. The Folly of Protectionism

Free Trade vs. The Folly of Protectionism

Protectionism fully implemented across all industries would mean a lower standard of living, because it would result in capital and labor unnecessarily being diverted into the production of goods that could more economically be produced elsewhere.

Environmentalism vs Creativity

Environmentalism vs Creativity

It’s businesspeople, not “Friends of the Earth,” who, by translating scientific discoveries into practical reality, actually advance human life and eliminate pollution.

Faith's War against Worldliness

  "The Muslim loves death and martyrdom, just as you love life. There is a great difference between he who loves the Hereafter and he who loves this world. The Muslim loves death and seeks Martyrdom." So declared an Islamic clergyman in Jerusalem just months...

Potter’s Morals vs. Bible’s Magic

Christians have it backward. If you're worried about your child obsessing over magic, it's not Harry Potter you should guard against; it's the Bible. Author J.K. Rowling doesn't bill her writing as anything other than fiction. Youngsters are thrilled as the courageous...

An Open Letter to Businesspeople

Entrepreneurs, risk-takers, men and women of creative ability, of talent, of inventiveness, of productive achievement--for what you do, you are good! Yes, good--as in "moral," "ethical," "virtuous." Throughout history, those of you who actually invent the things the...

The Good in Price Gouging

As the Sunshine State endures the worst hurricane season in a century, some Florida merchants are also weathering a manmade gale: charges of so-called "price gouging."There are thousands of such accusations, and, egged on by media everywhere, Florida's political...

Why Is There No Car Insurance Crisis?

Is there something special about health insurance that makes it crisis-prone? I mean, we never hear about the horrible "house insurance crisis" or the "spiraling cost of auto insurance." It wouldn't be too hard to create such a crisis though. In fact, let's try to map...

Majority Rule: The Tyrants Next Door

There's a funny little radio spot that's been running locally. It's a (fake) phone conversation between a man who wanted his car painted midnight blue and a guy at the paint shop who tells him they've gone with "a stunning shade of lilac" instead. "We just thought...

“Progressive” Education and Taping Kids to Dumpsters

In an op-ed back in March, syndicated columnist Walter Williams slammed public schools for their absurd policies. One of the examples he cited was of Metro Nashville Public School administrators' decision to stop posting honor rolls or displaying academic results on...

Buddha Bad for Business

Recently 115 corporate executives paid $100 each for advice from that repository of business acumen, the Dalai Lama. The Nobel Peace Prize winning Buddhist spiritual leader addressed the execs in Irvine, CA. Granted, attendees were probably attracted more by his...

Free Trade vs. The Folly of Protectionism

Free Trade vs. The Folly of Protectionism

Protectionism fully implemented across all industries would mean a lower standard of living, because it would result in capital and labor unnecessarily being diverted into the production of goods that could more economically be produced elsewhere.

Other People’s Wealth Benefits All of Us

The presidential hopefuls' common promise to "repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy" is the campaign trail one-liner garnering the most empty-headed applause. It's simply false that only the rich benefit from the tax cuts, as any non-rich person who got money back...

Wesley Clark’s Opportunism

I met Wesley Clark, now a presidential candidate, in 1992 when I was an army lieutenant attending the Officer Basic Course. The then-2 star general came to Ft. Knox, KY to address our graduating class. General Clark was charismatic, personable and gave a motivating...

It’s a Commercial Life

It’s a Commercial Life

If the products and effects of commercialism suddenly vanished, people would find themselves sitting on the cold ground naked, wondering where everything went.

A New Prescription For Cutting Costs

The solution to the high cost of prescription drugs, we are told by Democrats and Republicans alike, is more government intervention. Well, if we're going to use government muscle to lower our medical expenses, why not go all the way? Thus my proposal: Outlaw...

Capitalism and Survival of the “Weakest”

Capitalism and Survival of the “Weakest”

Capitalism is sometimes disparaged as "dog eat dog," a system of "cutthroat" competition and "survival of the fittest." Such characterizations, however, have little to do with truth. "Dog eat dog" better describes conditions under anti-capitalist regimes. In communist...

The Best Defense is a Superior Offense

Some say our "War on Terror" should consist mainly of bolstering security here at home, not military action abroad. But "homeland security" is no more the answer to Islamic terrorism than smoke alarms is to arson. Fighting back-- not dodging blows-- is the chief...

Does Capitalism need Civilizing?

QUESTION: "Do you think socialism was able to 'civilize' or 'tame' capitalism by 1914? Or do you think that capitalism did not need to be 'civilized' or 'tamed'." ANSWER: First we must define our terms. Socialism is state ownership of the means of production....

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