Many teachers, at all grades, use their classroom for environmental, anti-war, anti-capitalist and anti-parent propaganda.
Walter Williams
Will the West Defend Itself?
Does the U.S. have the power to defeat the ISIL/al-Qaida threat and stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions — yes or no?
Do Statistical Disparities Mean Injustice?
Courts, bureaucrats and the intellectual elite have consistently concluded that “gross” disparities are probative of a pattern and practice of discrimination. Given all of the differences among people, such a position is pure nonsense.
Multiculturalism Is a Failure: The Islamist’s War with the Western Culture
The bottom line is that much of the Muslim world is at war with Western civilization. There’s no question that the West has the military might to thwart radical Islam’s agenda. The question up for grabs is whether we have the intelligence to recognize the attack and the will to defend ourselves from annihilation.
Favors and Loot for Sale by Congress
The greater the congressional power to give handouts and grant favors and make special privileges the greater the value of being able to influence congressional decision-making
Things I Don’t Understand
Dr Williams on insurance premiums, ebola, and warning labels.
Blacks Must Confront Reality About Racial Discrimination
If it is assumed that problems that have a devastating impact on black well-being are a result of racial discrimination and a “legacy of slavery” when they are not, resources spent pursuing a civil rights strategy will yield disappointing results.
What College Tuition Pays For
Bogus courses, silencing free speech and hatred of anything not “progressive” — this is what your college tuition pays for.
Get Ready for Denials on Illegal Immigration
If there is a terrorist attack through our southern border, will Americans allow President Obama, congressional Democrats, the news media and progressives and liberals to deny that their weak border security policy was responsible?
Anti-Semitism and the Moral Support of Islamic States By The West
Those Westerners who criticize Israel’s response to close to 3,000 rocket attacks might tell us what Israel should do in response — just take the rockets, surrender or leave the Middle East?
Please Stop Helping Us
Today’s black leaders have little reservation about giving their support to union policies that harm their constituents.
Do Blacks Need Favors?
Is it within the capacity of black Americans to make it in this society without the special favors variously called racial preferences, quotas, affirmative action and race-sensitive policies?
Our Unwillingness to Defend Ourselves
Americans are too focused on government handouts rather than the most basic function of government: defending us from barbarians.
Spending and Morality
Is it moral for Congress to forcibly use one person to serve the purposes of another?
Capitalism Solves Problems; Statism Creates Them
Free market benefits aren’t only measured in dollars and cents.
The Education Establishment’s Success
Americans fall easy prey to charlatans of all stripes because of the education establishment’s success in dumbing down the nation.
The Case Against “Reparations for Slavery”
Dr. William’s explains why slavery is not the “blame whitey” issue that race hustlers make it out to be.
Who Owns You? On the Right To Try Experimental Drugs
On the FDA banning drugs that can help people.
Petty Annoyances
It may be that it’s I who is getting old and out of touch, having been educated during ancient times when nonsense was less acceptable.
White Privilege
The average parent has no idea of the devious indoctrination going on in classrooms in many public schools. What follows are some of the lessons of the conference.
America’s Budding Tyrants
Western values of liberty are under ruthless attack by the academic elite on college campuses across America.
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