Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center:

Catastrophic Global Warming and its Evil Twin ‘Climate Change’ Predictions Wrong on Both Counts

Global warming alarmists are a clever bunch. They have very carefully changed the issue from "global warming" to "climate change." Now any change in weather, be it mild winters or cool summers can be attributed to "climate change." Whatever the weather, the news is...

The Failed Education “Reforms”

Sometimes a single incident can reveal the widespread rot that has affected the nation's school systems as they strive to indoctrinate the children entrusted to their care while neglecting to teach them the Three R's. In Inverness, Florida, a 12-year-old boy was...

Senate Poised to Vote on Huge Land Grab

Choosing a time when the attention of all Americans is on our conflict with Iraq, the Senate is poised to vote on a bill that would unleash a major attack on private property rights. It would empower environmental groups and government agencies to use taxpayer funds...

The Battle of Environmentalists versus the US Military

As America's military deploys troops, armor, planes and ordinance to bases in the Middle East surrounding Iraq, they will do so after years of fending off another kind of attack, one by the massed forces of environmental organizations that have done everything in...

“Race Cleansing” in Zimbabwe: UN Sees No Evil

Only the United Nations, we're told, has the vision and the moral authority to be the keepers of justice in the world. Well, as they say, actions speak louder than words. The UN's bureaucrats spend a huge amount of time wringing their hands over the United States'...

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