Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has published a large volume of writing. His dozen books, as well as numerous articles and essays, cover a wide range of topics, from classic economic theory to judicial activism, from civil rights to choosing the right college. Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the THOMAS SOWELL column in your hometown paper.

Secure Our Borders Against Terrorists

There was a painful irony when France’s immediate response to the terrorist attacks in Paris was to close the borders. If they had closed the borders decades ago, they might have avoided this attack.

Dirty Secrets About “Affirmative Action”

Dirty Secrets About “Affirmative Action”

"The dirty little secret about affirmative action is that it doesn't work." So concluded ABC network reporter Bob Zelnick in his excellent book on the subject, titled "Backfire."An even dirtier secret is that virtually no one really cares whether or not affirmative...

Race and Cant

Race and Cant

Cant has become the norm in discussions of any issue involving race or ethnicity. However, a new book by Linda Chavez -- a memoir of her own remarkable life -- should make it inescapably clear what counterproductive and even vile things have been going on in the name...

Whither Democrats?

Whither Democrats?

Democrats have now lost two consecutive elections that, by all the usual standards, they should have won easily. Al Gore lost the 2000 election despite a usually unbeatable combination of peace, prosperity, a declining crime rate and the first budget surplus in...

Whither Republicans?

Whither Republicans?

Even in defeat, Democrats can console themselves that they still have a lock on minority votes in general and black votes in particular. Moreover, given the demographic realities, minority voters are going to be a growing percentage of all voters in the years ahead....

Nancy Pelosi: A San Francisco Liberal

Nancy Pelosi: A San Francisco Liberal

Now that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is becoming the Democrats' House minority leader, she is being celebrated as the first woman to hold such a high post. But she is also being described as a "San Francisco liberal" -- which she definitely is. What do San Francisco...

What Will the Republicans Do with Their Victory?

What Will the Republicans Do with Their Victory?

The oh-so-smug and oh-so-glib media "experts" have ended up with egg on their face for the second time in a few weeks. First their "profiles" of the Beltway sniper turned out to be completely wrong -- wrong car and wrong race, among other things -- and now their talk...

Disgruntled Conservatives

Disgruntled Conservatives

"A Record Year for Academic Pork," said the headline on the front page of The Chronicle of Higher Education, the leading trade publication of the academic world. Whether representatives of farmers, corporate welfare recipients, and other beneficiaries of politicians'...

Random Thoughts October 2002

Random Thoughts October 2002

Random thoughts on the passing scene: People who cannot be bothered to learn both sides of the issues should not bother to vote. Considering that we all enter the world the same way and leave in the same condition, we spend an awful lot of time in between trying to...

In That Voting Booth

In That Voting Booth

One of the most common laments in letters from readers is a sense of helplessness to do anything about the negative trends in politics and society. Yet the people who make those laments have the ultimate power in the most powerful nation on earth. All they have to do...

Explaining to the Grandkids

Explaining to the Grandkids

Those of us who are optimists believe that someday sanity will return to our society. Our media, our officials -- perhaps even our schools and colleges -- will begin to talk sense. Those of you who are young may live to see it. But there is a downside to sanity. Once...

High Stakes Elections and Voter Turnout

High Stakes Elections and Voter Turnout

During election years, people in the media seem to be forever lamenting the fact that millions of Americans who are eligible to vote do not in fact go to the polls. When speculating as to why those people don't vote, the media often assume that there is something...

The Sniper and the Gun Controllers

The Sniper and the Gun Controllers

It was perhaps inevitable that the recent sniper killings in the Washington area suburbs would be seized upon by advocates of gun control. Like so much in the agenda of the political left, gun control arguments would collapse like a house of cards if people just...

Jimmy Carter’s Ignoble “Peace” Prize

Jimmy Carter’s Ignoble “Peace” Prize

The politicization of prizes was never more blatantly revealed than in the comments of two of the members of the committee that awarded former president Jimmy Carter the Nobel Prize for peace. One member clearly implied that the prize was meant as a criticism of the...

Lessons From Bali: Facing Up To Evil

Lessons From Bali: Facing Up To Evil

Perhaps the massive bomb blast on the Indonesian island of Bali will cause some second thoughts -- or perhaps first thoughts -- by those who blamed the United States for having provoked the September 11th attacks by its actions and policies in the Middle East. Very...

One-Uppers vs. Survival

One-Uppers vs. Survival

Among the many commemorations of the September 11th anniversary, the one at Berkeley was unique. The American flag was banned because it might offend people from other countries. "The Star Spangled Banner" was banned because it was considered too militaristic, while...

Race and IQ, Part 3

Race and IQ, Part 3

I happened to run into Charles Murray in Dulles International Airport while he and Richard Herrnstein were writing "The Bell Curve." When I asked him what he was working on and he summarized what he was writing, he could tell that I was concerned about him, so I told...

Race and IQ, Part 2

Race and IQ, Part 2

Professor John McWhorter, a black faculty member at the University of California at Berkeley, has made a suggestion that is explosive in itself and directly the opposite of what is being said by those who are seeking to promote lower college admissions standards for...

The Houdini Award for Judicial Curruption

The Houdini Award for Judicial Curruption

You expect a corrupt politician to do corrupt things, so when Senator Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., withdrew as a candidate for re-election after ethics charges led to his falling behind in the polls, that was hardly surprising. Nor was it particularly surprising that...

Dangerous Restraint

Dangerous Restraint

President George W. Bush's speech on Iraq in effect reiterated what Edmund Burke said more than two centuries ago: "There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men." Today, in a nuclear age, those words apply more strongly than...

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