Now that Hillary Clinton’s e-mails have finally been recovered and revealed, after three years of stalling and stonewalling, they showed explicitly that she knew from the outset that the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens and others was not a result of some video but was a coordinated terrorist operation.
Thomas Sowell
Politicians’ Words: The Rich, Fair Share and Taxes
Plans to “soak the rich,” who are not paying their “fair share,” have worked politically, time and time again — and may well work yet again in the 2016 elections.
Open Season on the Police
Maybe the parents who are so bitter over the loss of a son in a wholly unnecessary confrontation with a policeman doing his job might ask themselves if they did their job, when they raised a child without teaching him either common sense or common decency.
The ‘Gun Control’ Farce: Part II
A disarmed population makes crime a safer occupation and street violence a safer sport.
The ‘Gun Control’ Farce
Gun control zealots are almost always people who are lenient toward criminals, while they are determined to crack down on law-abiding citizens who want to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.
Economic Inequality: There is No Economic Determinism Under Capitalism
hose who are celebrating the ghetto culture might consider what the cost is to those being raised in that culture. And they might reconsider what they are hearing from charlatans parading statistical disparities.
Socialist Political Rhetoric vs. Capitalist Cultural Facts
Socialist rhetoric distracts attention from questions about logic or evidence.
What’s Holding Women Back in the Workplace?
Among the many reasons for gross disparities in many fields, and at different income levels, is that human beings differ in what they want to do, quite aside from any differences in what they are capable of doing, or what others permit them to do.
The ‘Affordable Housing’ Fraud
It is no coincidence that housing prices in coastal California began skyrocketing in the 1970s, when building bans spread like wildfire under the banner of “open space,” “saving farmland,” or whatever other slogans would impress the gullible.
Good Riddance
The impending departure of Speaker of the House John Boehner gives the House Republicans a real opportunity to accomplish something.
Pope Francis Wrongly Blames Capitalism For Poverty
Pope Francis’ own native Argentina was once among the leading economies of the world, before it was ruined by the kind of ideological notions he is now promoting around the world.
Why Have Elections?
Donald Trump is not the only obstacle to finding leaders of character. The ultimate danger lies in the voting public themselves.
Equality of Opportunity Versus Equality of Outcomes
Enabling all Americans to prosper and have greater opportunities is a far more achievable goal than equal outcomes.
Immigration and Assimilation: The Past and Future of the Refugee Crisis
No nation has an unlimited capacity to absorb immigrants of any sort, and especially immigrants whose cultures are not simply different, but antagonistic, to the values of the society in which they settle.
A Revealing Clue: How Trump and Bush Deal with Hecklers
The Republican establishment needs to understand why someone with all Trump’s faults could attract so many people who are sick of the approach that Jeb Bush represents.
Reverse Racism
The civil rights division of the Justice Department has turned the same blind eye to similar voter intimidation and corruption of the voting process by other people and other organizations in other cities and states — so long as those being victimized were white and the victimizers were black.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s Last Hurrah
Ironically, the Republicans have a much stronger set of presidential candidates than usual to choose from this year.
Police Shootings
Laws without law enforcement are just suggestions.
Thomas Sowell’s Random Thoughts for August 2015
Random thoughts on the passing scene.
A Debatable ‘Debate’
After more than six years of Barack Obama in the White House, have we learned nothing about the dangers of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of sound bites, with no track record to check against his rhetoric?
Hillary Clinton’s Trump Card
Donald Trump has virtually no chance of becoming even the Republican Party’s candidate in 2016, much less being elected President of the United States. If Trump ran as a third-party candidate he would virtually guarantee victory for Hillary Clinton.
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