Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has published a large volume of writing. His dozen books, as well as numerous articles and essays, cover a wide range of topics, from classic economic theory to judicial activism, from civil rights to choosing the right college. Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the THOMAS SOWELL column in your hometown paper.

Farewell By Dr. Thomas Sowell

Even the best things come to an end. After enjoying a quarter of a century of writing this column for Creators Syndicate, I have decided to stop. Age 86 is well past the usual retirement age, so the question is not why I am quitting, but why I kept at it so long.

Autism: Crusades Versus Caution, Part II

Autism: Crusades Versus Caution, Part II

The recently launched crusade to have every child tested for autism before the age of two has as its reason an opportunity for "early intervention" to treat the condition. Dr. Scott Myers, a pediatrician, has been quoted by Reuters news service as saying that autistic...

Autism: Crusades Versus Caution

Autism: Crusades Versus Caution

Autism is a devastating condition, both for those who have it and for their parents. At this point, its causes are unknown and if there is any cure for it, that is unknown as well. There are many ways of coping with tragedies. One of the less promising, and often...

Stop “Making a Difference”

Stop “Making a Difference”

Among the many mindless mantras of our time, "making a difference" and "giving back" irritate me like chalk screeching across a blackboard. I would be scared to death to "make a difference" in the way pilots fly airliners or brain surgeons operate. Any difference I...

Political “Solutions”

Political “Solutions”

It is remarkable how many political "solutions" today are dealing with problems created by previous political "solutions." Three examples that come to mind immediately are the housing market crisis, the wildfires in southern California, and the water shortages in the...

“Driving While Black”

“Driving While Black”

Twice within the past few years, I have been pulled over by the police for driving at night without my headlights on. My car is supposed to turn on the headlights automatically when the light outside is below a certain level, but sometimes I accidentally brush against...

Prestige Versus Education

Prestige Versus Education

High school seniors who want to go to a selective college in the fall of 2008 should already be making arrangements to take the tests they will need before they apply ahead of the deadlines for such schools, which are usually in January or February. One of the...

Crime and Rhetoric

Crime and Rhetoric

Oakland, California, continues to suffer the high crime rate, and especially the high murder rate, which has long afflicted that city. Judging by a recent speech by its current mayor, long-time leftist Ron Dellums, it can look forward to a future all too much like its...

Sabotage in Wartime

Sabotage in Wartime

With all the problems facing this country, both in Iraq and at home, why is Congress spending time trying to pass a resolution condemning the massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago? Make no mistake about it, that massacre of hundreds of...

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: My Grandfather’s Son

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: My Grandfather’s Son

It would be hard to think of anyone whose portrayal in the media differs more radically from the reality than that of Justice Clarence Thomas. His recent appearances on "60 Minutes," the Rush Limbaugh program, and other media outlets provide the general public with...

What Is Intelligence?

What Is Intelligence?

One of the longest-running controversies in history has been that between those who believe intelligence to be inherited and those who see it as determined by environment. If time has not resolved that question, it has at least led to sharper definitions of the...

Columbia, Duke and the Media

Columbia, Duke and the Media

On page 28 of last Sunday's New York Times, right opposite the page where the obituaries were, at the very bottom was a news item almost exactly the size of a 3-by-5 card. It was a fraction of an Associated Press dispatch about Richard Brodhead, president of Duke...

Law Versus Mob Rule

Law Versus Mob Rule

It is painful -- and dangerous -- how little we learn from history, even when it is recent history. Just a year ago, "rape" charges spread lynch-mob hysteria on the campus of Duke University and in much of the liberal media, while professional race hustlers descended...

High-Speed Car Chases By The Police

High-Speed Car Chases By The Police

High-speed car chases by police on highways, or even on residential streets, have become a staple of television news. An estimated 500 people died as a result of high-speed car chases last year. Nearly half the people killed were innocent third parties. The police...

No “Health Care” in America?

No “Health Care” in America?

During the first 30 years of my life, I had no health insurance. Neither did a lot of other people, back in those days. During those 30 years, I had a broken arm, a broken jaw, a badly injured shoulder, and miscellaneous other medical problems. To say that my income...

Random Thoughts September 2007

Random Thoughts September 2007

Random thoughts on the passing scene: I can't get as fiercely involved as some other people do in controversies about the origins of human life on earth. I wasn't there. One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a...

The Left’s Investment in Failure

The Left’s Investment in Failure

It is not just in Iraq that the political left has an investment in failure. Domestically as well as internationally, the left has long had a vested interest in poverty and social malaise. The old advertising slogan, "Progress is our most important product," has never...

No Trade-Offs?

No Trade-Offs?

A whole nation following the tragedy of a mine cave-in in Utah was struck by the further tragedy of another cave-in at the same mine, killing men who had gone underground to try to rescue the miners trapped there. The second tragedy was avoidable -- but only if we...

Tragic Implications in Minnesota and in Utah

Tragic Implications in Minnesota and in Utah

Two recent tragedies -- in Minnesota and in Utah -- have held the nation's attention. The implications of these tragedies also deserve attention. Those politicians who are always itching to raise tax rates have seized upon the neglected infrastructure of the country...

A Bridge Too Far Gone in Minnesota

A Bridge Too Far Gone in Minnesota

It took a collapsing bridge in Minnesota to alert people across the country to the fact that many other bridges in many other places have been allowed to deteriorate without adequate maintenance. If this were just a matter of poor political leadership at various...

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