Robert W Tracinski

Robert Tracinski was a senior writer for the Ayn Rand Institute from 2000 to 2004. The Institute promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Mr. Tracinski is editor and publisher of The Intellectual Activist and TIADaily, which offer daily news and analysis from a pro-reason, pro-individualist perspective. To receive a free 30-day trial of the TIA Daily and a FREE pdf issue of the Intellectual Activist please go to and enter your email address.

“A Real Invasion”: Why the Muslim World is Afraid of American Television

The enemy has problems of his own. I keep reminding my readers of this fact, because it is a crucially important context for today's events. It is easy to become discouraged as we watch our leaders dither over Iraq, and as we watch the press and the political...

Celebrate the Industrial Revolution

On April 22, thousands will gather across the country to celebrate Earth Day, a holiday that has risen in the past decade from obscurity to the status of a mainstream, uncontroversial event. After all, who could be against clean air, clean water, and a healthy...

Celebrate the Industrial Revolution

On April 22, thousands will gather across the country to celebrate Earth Day, a holiday that has risen in the past decade from obscurity to the status of a mainstream, uncontroversial event. After all, who could be against clean air, clean water, and a healthy...

The Curse of Frankenstein

Ever since Mary Shelley wrote the original Frankenstein story in 1818, it has stood as the symbol of a false and destructive idea: the idea that science and technology will inevitably produce monsters. The story of Frankenstein has come to be used, not as a criticism...

The Curse of Frankenstein

Ever since Mary Shelley wrote the original Frankenstein story in 1818, it has stood as the symbol of a false and destructive idea: the idea that science and technology will inevitably produce monsters. The story of Frankenstein has come to be used, not as a criticism...

The Railroading of Microsoft

The Railroading of Microsoft

The press coverage of Microsoft's antitrust trial, up through the testimony of the final witness, has conveyed one consistent theme: Microsoft is losing. Its witnesses, we are told, have been caught in inconsistencies; Bill Gates's videotaped testimony was evasive;...

The Moral Inversion in Seattle

The rioting and demonstrations at the World Trade Organization in Seattle offered us a view of a world in which everything is upside-down and backwards. It is a world in which hordes of middle-class students and $25-an-hour union workers band together to take away...

Keep Elian Free

The debate over Elián Gonzalez, the 6-year-old Cuban boy whose mother died trying to bring him to America, hinges on one essential question: Is freedom a necessity of human life? For our own sakes, we must answer this question with a resounding "Yes"--and keep Elián...

Opposition to Immigration is Un-American

Opposition to Immigration is Un-American

Next month Congress will try to resolve a dispute with the White House over federal quotas for "H-1B" visas -- a type of work permits for immigrants filling high-tech jobs. Pending legislation would expand the quotas by 10,000 to 20,000 annually for the next five...

Elia Kazan: Moral Hero

Some people are condemning the decision to give an honorary Oscar to film director Elia Kazan. They claim that because Kazan, a former member of the Communist Party, testified against fellow party -- members before the House Un-American Activities Committee, he does...

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