On Friday (June 29, 2001), ABC news correspondent John Stossel aired a hard-hitting report challenging the environmentalist movement and suggesting that "tampering with nature" makes human life better -- that such "unnatural" phenomena as clean water, heated homes and...
Robert W Tracinski
The National Academy of Dubious Science
Imagine that you have invited a contractor to inspect your home and check for needed repairs. He tells you that, in theory, there might be a disastrous problem with the foundation. He can't actually prove that there is a problem, he says, and there are a lot of...
The Scientist Trap
Ten days ago, we saw the headlines: "Panel Tells Bush Global Warming is Getting Worse." According to dozens of press accounts, a panel of distinguished climatologists from the National Academy of Sciences had provided new confirmation that "global warming is real, and...
Nations United Against Rights
On Friday, Secretary-General Kofi Annan met with congressional leaders to assuage their anger at America's ejection from the UN's Human Rights Commission. The meeting seems to have been a success; it looks as if Republicans in Congress will give up their attempt to...
Bush Energy Plan Caves In
President Bush's newly released national energy plan offers us more of what already threatens this country. No, I am not talking about the president's plans to allow oil drilling in Alaska, or to build more gas pipelines, or to license more nuclear power plants. All...
California’s Green Profiteers
Last week, a quarter of a million Californians had their power cut in a new wave of rolling blackouts. As one official admitted, "This is the situation everyone feared. Here it is May 7, and we already have rolling outages." This is only a warm-up for the summer, when...
The Amazing Disappearing, Reappearing Artic Ice Cap
"Danger lies not in what we don't know, but in what we think we know that just ain't so." So reads the e-mail signature of Greg Holloway, a scientist with the Institute of Ocean Sciences in British Columbia. The quote, from Mark Twain, is appropriate. On April 24,...
Green Thumbs Vs. “Green” Politics
Every year, at about this time, I make my personal protest against environmentalism by going out and enjoying nature. How, you might ask, can enjoying nature be considered an act of defiance against environmentalism? Consider how -- and why -- I enjoy it. I do not...
This “Earth Day” Celebrate the Industrial Revolution
On April 22, thousands will gather across the country to celebrate Earth Day, a holiday that has risen in the past decade from obscurity to the status of a mainstream, uncontroversial event. After all, who could be against clean air, clean water, and a healthy...
America’s Problem with Prejudice
America faces the threat of a widespread, corrosive prejudice. I am not talking about racial prejudice -- though racial politics has something to do with it. The prejudice I am talking about is aimed at something much broader, much more important than any racial...
American Hostages in China: The Next “Peace Process War”
For the past week, commentators have decried the return of "dangerous Cold War thinking." But the crisis with China is just the opposite. It is not a return to the past, but rather the outcome of America's eager courtship, over the last decade, of China's communist...
John McCain, Traitor
It is time to put the John McCain myth to rest. For years, the national media and a gullible grass-roots following have glorified McCain as a man of integrity who deals in "straight talk." They have promoted his image as a hero who fought bravely for his country in...
Hollywood’s War on Moralism
Is it possible to take a moral inventory of our culture -- to see, in a single event, what, if anything, the most influential parts of our culture hold as the good? There is an important forum in which we take such an inventory every year at this time -- and broadcast...
America’s “Soft-Hearted,” Soft-Headed Foreign Policy
Former President Clinton has just received another fitting addition to his legacy. Two years ago, he sent U.S. troops to Kosovo to protect ethnic Albanians against attacks by Serbia. Now our troops are stuck trying to protect Macedonia against attacks by these very...
The Willy Sutton Theory of Government
Willy Sutton, in case you are wondering, is the 1930s outlaw who achieved immortality when a reporter asked him why he robbed banks and Sutton replied, simply, "Because that's where the money is." It is an amusing reply because it so utterly misses the point, which...
Our Inverted Budget Priorities
Five years ago, then-President Clinton stated before Congress the essence of his contradictory agenda: "The era of big government is over," he intoned, to great applause. Then he continued, "But we cannot go back to the era when people were left to fend for...
In Defense of the Wealthiest One Percent
On Thursday, President Bush sent his tax-cut plan to Congress, and it was met with an immediate chorus of class-warfare yelping from the Democrats. House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt led the pack, complaining that Bush's tax cuts will go to "just the top 1 percent"...
The Conservative Welfare State
In 1960, the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand pronounced conservatism dead. The conservatives' refusal to challenge the fundamental ideas behind the welfare state, she argued, would doom them to a policy of appeasement and timidity. Sometimes it may seem as if her...
The Politics of Evasion
There was a moment in the past weeks' confirmation hearings that reveals the root of what's wrong with our government. It was not in the most contentious or well-publicized hearing -- and indeed, it was a case where Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans and the new...
California’s Antitrust “Deregulation” of the Power Industry
The power crisis in California now threatens to shut down Silicon Valley--and if Silicon Valley goes, it could end up shutting down America's economy. To save itself -- and the rest of us -- what should California do? That depends on what the problem is. Some say the...
Clinton’s 29,000 Commandments
With just a week left before the new president takes office, our government is engaged in a frenzy of lawmaking.No, Congress has not convened to consider legislation, and no, your elected representatives will not decide whether these new federal rules go into effect....
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