Memo to the world: Reality cannot be cheated. Politicians and diplomats like to pretend that you can cheat the laws of logic, that there is no need to commit to absolutes, and that there is something to be achieved by "constructive ambiguity." The past week has been a...
Robert W Tracinski
War Powers Without War
There has been much talk recently about using lawsuits or congressional hearings to challenge the expansion of presidential power since Sept. 11. Immediate congressional action on this issue is crucially important -- not to revoke these powers, which are mostly...
An Afghanistan Thanksgiving
This year's Thanksgiving was an unusual one. This uniquely American holiday was punctuated with a constant flow of news ... at our house, most of it courtesy of my friend Jack, an inveterate news hound ... about far-off Afghanistan. I had feared, after Sept. 11, that...
The End of the Beginning
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." So declared Winston Churchill after an early allied victory in World War II. It was a reminder to his nation that the war would require many more years and a...
The Economics of War
National emergencies are notorious for giving free reign to bad economics. In the panic of a crisis, people grasp desperately for solutions. And thanks to generations of bad economics education, they are offered a wide range of economic errors to grasp at. The most...
The Phony War
According to a breathless report in the morning news, American jets over the Taliban's front lines have engaged in "one of the fiercest bombardments yet, unleashing more than 15 bombs in the space of hours." Get that? A whole 15 bombs. Within hours. Is this a real war...
Why Do They Hate Us?
They condemn us for the "arrogant imperialism" of our foreign policy. They claim America is motivated by a predatory greed to plunder the world's natural resources. They say that we are the real terrorists and that we deserved Black Tuesday's attacks. Why do these...
The Lessons of War
Now that we have officially more or less committed ourselves to war, many will now object that this mission poses too many strategic pitfalls -- that the Middle East is a vast quagmire, that the enemy is too elusive, that this will be "another Vietnam." As always,...
We are all Israelis Now
The day after last Tuesday's bombings, the headline of the French newspaper Le Monde declared: "We are all Americans now." It was an extraordinary gesture, especially from the French and especially from Le Monde. But the more appropriate headline, both in Europe and...
America’s War Song: The Star-Spangled Banner
It was September 14. Washington, D.C., had been attacked, and one of its most prominent monuments had been burned by the enemy. A Washington lawyer sat in the early morning gloom and fretted over the fate of his country. The year was 1814, the burned monument was the...
What a Real War Looks Like
Everyone acknowledges that Tuesday's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington were acts of war. But, liberal commentators have been quick to object, we do not know whom to attack, how to attack, or how to escape a so-called "cycle of violence." They have raised...
Microsoft: Out of the Fire and Back Into the Frying Pan
First the good news: The new administration's officials in the Department of Justice have decided not to murder the Microsoft Corporation and carve up its corpse. Now the bad news: They have chosen the more humane option of slow torture. The Justice Department's new...
The United Nations Conference of Racists
The UN World Conference Against Racism has met and taken up its primary agenda: the praise and protection of racists. The tone was set on the first day of the conference, when that paragon of progressive politics, Yasser Arafat, took the podium to condemn Israel as a...
Brazil’s War on Profit and Lives
Imagine that you are suffering from an incurable disease, which slowly wastes away your body and leads inevitably to death. One day, a scientist working with a pharmaceutical company discovers a drug that vastly increases your chance of survival. Do you: A) offer him...
Shades of 1936: An Olympic Carrot Without a Stick for China
Last month, the capital of an oppressive dictatorship has just been selected as the host city of a symbol of peace and civilization: the Olympic games. If you want to know how this happened, remember that it was done, not over the objections of civilized governments,...
The Upside- Down War
For 10 months, Yasser Arafat and his legions of rioters and terrorists have been waging a war against Israel. Now it looks as if Israel will finally choose to fight that war. Faced with a new wave of terror attacks, Israel is now weighing whether to invade the West...
President Bush’s Biotechnology Blinders
The president's recent decision on embryonic stem cell research has been described in most reports as a compromise that balances the views of scientists, who want to move forward unrestrictedly, against the views of the religious right, who call for a total ban on...
Barbarians at the G8
The leaders of the world's most advanced nations, plus Russia, met recently at the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, to discuss ways to increase trade and international cooperation -- about the most peaceful and civilized thing that the world's leaders could possibly do....
The Death Toll of Environmentalism
Colorado congressman Scott McInnis revealed last week that four firefighters who burned to death in July while tackling a forest fire in Washington state died because bureaucrats took 10 hours to approve a water drop. Taking water from the local river, it seems, is...
Where Does America Stand?
Gao Zhan has seen the cruelty of the Chinese dictatorship firsthand and up close, as a native of China and through the last five and a half months of captivity under trumped-up accusations of spying. But she has emerged unbowed. Here are her words upon returning to...
Timid Old World
The clones are coming! Lock your doors, hide your wives and children -- or, better yet, hold congressional hearings and pass a law. Angry villagers in academia and on Capitol Hill are crusading for a ban on human cloning -- a ban potentially so sweeping that it would...
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