The Democrats have spent the past eight months looking for some way to gain political advantage over the Republicans without having to offer any actual leadership in the War on Terrorism. Their latest gambit is to blame President Bush for failing to act on vague CIA...
Robert W Tracinski
The Mixed Economy Monster
Six months after the collapse of Enron, the left is still sputtering in violent outrage at the company, and with good reason. This display of wrath is the only way to keep people from noticing the real emotion underlying the Enron feeding frenzy: elation. The...
Conference in Cloud Cuckoo Land
On Thursday, the Bush administration announced that it would join with the United Nations, the European Union and Russia to host an international peace conference to settle the conflict in the Middle East. No location was announced for this meeting, but I can suggest...
War for Peace
After 10 years of seeking security through "land for peace" deals, Israel has finally rediscovered the formula for real security: war for peace. Notice what you have seen in the news for the past few weeks: Europeans screaming about civilian casualties at Jenin (the...
The Palestinian Victims?
As Israel pulls out of the West Bank -- a foolish move that will only allow Palestinian terrorists to regroup -- the media is being flooded with piteous tales about Palestinian victims, who, we are told, are innocent civilians. But a glance at the stories coming out...
Campaign Finances and Corruption
In one of the great ironies of contemporary politics, Congress [last month] passed an economic "stimulus" package the day after the recession was declared to be over. Obviously, the legislators didn't really care about stimulating the economy, which had already...
Why Israel Must Not Withdraw
Colin Powell has failed, so far, in his attempt to browbeat Israel into joining America's official surrender in the War on Terrorism. Yet Ariel Sharon has repeatedly stated that his armies will eventually withdraw from the West Bank, and that Israel does not intend to...
Live from Ramallah: The Theater of the Absurd
In the late 1940s, a group of playwrights started a movement called the Theater of the Absurd, based on the Existentialist notion that life is rationally incomprehensible. According to one description, practitioners of the Theater of the Absurd sought "to convey their...
We Are Either With Israel, Or We Are With the Terrorists
We may be about to witness a major victory in the War on Terrorism, a victory as important as any in Afghanistan or Iraq. But American troops will not win this victory, and the battle will be fought without the support and even against the wishes of our president....
The Prophets of Defeatism
The American press seems to have contracted Black Hawk Down Syndrome, a malady in which reporters and editorialists, whose military experience consists largely of watching Hollywood war movies, project a hand-wringing fear of American military failure. These reactions...
Little Caesars in the Senate
A "little Caesar," before it referred to a pizza delivery mascot, used to refer to a petty official -- or gangster -- with delusions of grandeur, the type who seeks power for the pleasure of abusing it. The Enron investigation is making it clear that the Senate is...
The Terrorist’s Best Friend
The events of the past few weeks in Israel have offered a timeless lesson on the real cause of terrorism and the real meaning of the "peace process." The pattern of these events is crystal clear: Yasser Arafat and his Palestinian Authority have escalated their war...
The War on Terrorism and the War on Reality
Here is the painful dilemma America faces: If we don't attack Iraq, we could risk a nuclear attack on New York or Washington by Iraqi-backed terrorists. But if we do attack Iraq, we could risk "alienating" our Arab and European allies and earning the disapproval of...
“Multilateralism’s” One-Way Street
A few weeks ago, many liberals were crowing that the War on Terrorism had forced the Bush administration to abandon "isolationism" and embrace "globalism" by seeking out an international coalition. This is part of an effort to make independent, "unilateral" action by...
Bush Should Fire Colin Powell
America's war policy faces a deadly roadblock. The problem is partly the recalcitrance of our so-called allies, from the quavering Europeans to the increasingly hostile Saudis. Most of our "coalition" wants us to declare victory in Afghanistan and go home. They want...
Enron Ethics
Over the coming weeks, eight congressional subcommittees will hold at least 10 hearings on the collapse of Enron. Rarely has there been such a profligate and irresponsible distortion of congressional priorities during a time of national crisis. Even in peacetime,...
Liberal Conspiracy Theories: Bush and Enron
The U.N., the Trilateral Commission, the international conspiracy of Jewish bankers -- these are the conspiracy theories for which right-wing nuts are infamous. But what about the conspiracy theories of the left? I'm sure you have heard of them: the...
Fading Shock and Fading Resolve
Sam Spade, Dashiell Hammett's famous fictional detective, tells a story about one of his early cases: An accountant, he says, was walking down the street when a steel beam fell from a construction site and smashed into the ground, narrowly missing him. After his brush...
Argentina’s Intellectual Collapse: How IMF Policies Ruined Argentina’s Economy
While the world's attention has been focused on the Middle East, South America has been headed toward chaos and collapse. And worse, it is not merely an economic collapse, but a collapse into a disastrous intellectual confusion that threatens to make recovery...
A Lesson in U.S. Foreign Policy for India: With Friends Like Us …
India is beginning to learn what Israel has learned, brutally, over the past year: the U.S. State Department loves to betray our friends. It is now more than a week since Pakistan-backed Islamic terrorists shot up the Indian Parliament in New Delhi, killing 12 people...
Ending the “Peace Process War”
When Yasser Arafat unleashed his intifada against Israel last year, I named it the "Peace Process War." I wanted to capture the irony of mob violence and bombings as the culmination of seven years of an alleged "peace process." I did not realize, at the time, how...
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