Robert W Tracinski

Robert Tracinski was a senior writer for the Ayn Rand Institute from 2000 to 2004. The Institute promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Mr. Tracinski is editor and publisher of The Intellectual Activist and TIADaily, which offer daily news and analysis from a pro-reason, pro-individualist perspective. To receive a free 30-day trial of the TIA Daily and a FREE pdf issue of the Intellectual Activist please go to and enter your email address.

Publish or Perish: The Lessons of the Cartoon Jihad

The central issue of the "cartoon jihad"--the Muslim riots and death threats against a Danish newspaper that printed 12 cartoons depicting Mohammed--is obvious. The issue is freedom of speech: whether our freedom to think, write, and draw is to be subjugated to the...

The Withering Blix-Krieg

When the Bush administration agreed to subcontract its Iraq policy to a Swedish civil servant--chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix--many feared that Blix would be an accommodating diplomatic type, eager to smooth relations with his Iraqi handlers and play to the...

Dictatorship by the Numbers in Venezuela

The leaders of the Venezuelan opposition have demanded immediate new elections to replace would-be dictator Hugo Chavez, arguing that the referendum scheduled for this August will give Chavez time to establish a dictatorship and render elections meaningless. These...

The Worldwide Epidemics of Doctor’s Strikes

The outbreak of doctors' strikes in America is spreading. So far, doctors in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida and New Jersey have held temporary strikes to protest the prohibitive cost of medical malpractice insurance. Now, doctors in Illinois have announced plans...

Bad Economics in One Lesson

On Tuesday, the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a left-leaning Washington think tank, published a full-page ad in The New York Times condemning the proposed Bush tax cuts. This pro-tax statement is signed by more than 400 economists, including 10 Nobel laureates --...

The Self-Made State of the States

In an admission that they have no congressional leadership to offer, the Democrats won't send Tom Daschle or Nancy Pelosi to deliver the Democratic rebuttal to the president's State of the Union address. They have given that job to Washington Governor Gary Locke, who...

The Iraq Charade

The headline of an Associated Press report from Tuesday declares, "Gaps Appear to Widen over Iraq within UN Security Council." The wording is, perhaps unintentionally, precise: the gaps only appear to be widening. The report informs us -- to no one's surprise, I hope...

Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

A recent news article described the nationwide strike in Venezuela, in protest against the nascent dictatorship of Hugo Chavez, as seeming "like something from fiction." Well, yes, it seems very similar to one work of fiction in particular: Ayn Rand's prophetic 1957...

Human Cloning: Raelians vs. Reality

Human Cloning: Raelians vs. Reality

Congress is currently working up a list of dreadful penalties for anyone who even attempts human cloning, bandying about threats of 10-year prison terms and ruinous fines. The message to scientists is simple: create new life and you forfeit your own. Facing such...

Goodbye to Frank Gehry’s Bad Joke

After Sept. 11, a few intellectuals optimistically predicted the "end of irony" -- that is, the end of the pseudo-intellectual pose of cynicism and skepticism endemic in our turn-of-the-century culture. The end of irony is not quite upon us, but at least one recent...

Peace on Earth — and Its Price

This year, more than most, many people are choosing to spend their Christmas by searching for a haven of peace and tranquility in their homes and families. But we have not been able to do so without a few reminders of the value and the cost of that peace. I have been...

The Democrats’ Sorry Lot

The Democrats’ Sorry Lot

The Republicans always find a way to do this: just when they have scored a sweeping victory, they find a way to turn it into defeat. And so it was that Trent Lott celebrated his party's mid-term election win with a bizarre endorsement of Strom Thurmond's 1948...

Venezuela’s Lonely Rebellion

Rebelling against tyranny is a lonely business these days. If the brave citizens of an oppressed country dare to resist evil, they can expect the rest of the supposedly civilized world to react with hostility or indifference. That's the case right now in Venezuela,...

Red-Tape Conservationists

Environmentalists are up in arms about a recent Bush administration proposal to reduce red tape on logging in federal lands. But what this controversy is really about is not just the "conservation" of forests, but the conservation of the vast, arbitrary authority of...

Islam’s Ugly Assault on Beauty

Beauty pageants are not usually events fraught with geopolitical significance. But then again, they are not usually held in the middle of a battleground in the war between Islam and the West. The collapse of the Miss World pageant in Nigeria is an important case study...

The Real Revolutionaries

For months, courageous protesters have braved riot police to oppose the depredations of a warlike and oppressive regime bent on world domination. No, I am not talking about the "anti-war" protesters who menace the cities of Europe and America--the creeps who scale the...

Wins and Losses: Bush’s Dilemma

President Bush can count two unexpected victories in the past week: a broad mandate from the American people -- in the form of an unprecedented mid-term congressional sweep -- followed by a unanimous United Nations Security Council vote approving the administration's...

The Election We Deserve

As of the writing of this column, it is mid-day on Nov. 5, and the exit polls have not even begun to predict how today's elections will end. It might seem like a bad time to make predictions, given that this is considered one of the tightest congressional contests in...

The Rush From Judgment

Like many people, it crossed my mind early in the Beltway Sniper case that this might be a terrorist attack. I reserved judgment, realizing -- unlike the armchair experts who flocked to fill airtime on cable news channels -- that I did not know all of the facts...

Loose Lips in the Pressroom

Since when did being a journalist mean forgetting your responsibilities as a human being? If you think I'm being too harsh on today's press, consider the coverage of the Beltway Sniper attacks. It goes beyond just publishing leaked information about messages left by...

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