The central issue of the "cartoon jihad"--the Muslim riots and death threats against a Danish newspaper that printed 12 cartoons depicting Mohammed--is obvious. The issue is freedom of speech: whether our freedom to think, write, and draw is to be subjugated to the...
Robert W Tracinski
Understanding the Paris Riots: Multiculturalism and the Self-Liquidation of Europe
On November 9, 1938, the Nazi government launched a vicious pogrom in which thousand of Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, while bands of young Nazi thugs smashed the windows of Jewish homes and shops. Kristallnacht--the "Night of Broken...
A Half-Century-Old Attack on Ayn Rand Reminds Us of the Dark Side of Conservatism
TIA Daily frequently links to articles posted at National Review Online, the online companion to National Review, the prominent conservative magazine. I link to it because NRO publishes works by many good authors with important things to say (e.g., Victor Davis Hanson...
Anti-Bushites for Bush
In the months before the 1972 election, Ayn Rand gave her recommendation for voting in that year's presidential election: "I am not an admirer of President Nixon, as my readers know. But I urge every able-minded voter, of any race, creed, color, age, sex, or political...
The Collectivist Convention: The Democrats’ Bait-and-Switch Philosophy
What does America stand for? What are its founding ideas? In this contentious election, each side is trying to convince us that its policies and ideals are the answer to this question. The Democrats have traditionally relied on a simple technique: appeal to the values...
34 Months vs. 444 Days: There Jimmy Carter Goes Again, Blaming America for His Failures
If one were forced to choose low point of Jimmy Carter's presidency, it might be his July 15, 1979, "national malaise" speech. The country was suffering under inflation, recession, and an "energy crisis"--and we were about to undergo the national humiliation of the...
“A Real Invasion”: Why the Muslim World is Afraid of American Television
The enemy has problems of his own. I keep reminding my readers of this fact, because it is a crucially important context for today's events. It is easy to become discouraged as we watch our leaders dither over Iraq, and as we watch the press and the political...
“Repositioning” Reality: The World of Non-A in Fallujah
The press has done its usual fine job of reporting on the siege of Fallujah--which is to say that it is impossible for the public to figure out what is going on there. The difficulty isn't all a matter of bad reporting, though. The important thing to remember is that...
Martha Stewart: Guilty Until Somehow Proven Innocent?
As the Martha Stewart case finally goes to trial, it is clear that Ms. Stewart has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Observe the undisguised delight with which reporters and pundits describe the prospect of seeing Stewart hauled up before the...
The U.N.’s Distortion of Rights
In 1948, while America had just defeated one brutal dictatorship (Nazi Germany), another (the Soviet Union) was in the process of enslaving half of Europe. Never was the concept of rights more in need of a definitive statement and defense. Tragically, the Universal...
“Hate Crimes” Law Undermines Protection of Individual Rights
Leaders from both parties--Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and Democrat Ted Kennedy--have vowed to push through a new, wide-reaching federal "hate crimes" bill before the end of the current session. A "hate crimes" law would make crimes motivated by enmity toward...
Elia Kazan Should Be Honored Because of His Testimony
Almost without exception, the obituaries of Elia Kazan--while praising his enormous talent as a director--are critical of his testimony against Hollywood communists. According to some, Kazan, a former member of the Communist Party, should never be forgiven for naming...
The ‘Sweatshop’ Scam: So-Called ‘Sweatshops’ Are Economic Opportunities for the Third World Poor — So Why Are American ‘Progressives’ Opposed to Them?
Well-off American college students and $25 per hour union workers have banded together in a growing movement for what they describe as a "progressive" cause and a battle against "exploitation." Their goal: to take away economic opportunities from desperately poor...
Martha Stewart is Attacked Because of Her Business Success
Why do so many people hate Martha Stewart? How does a home-decorating expert with a wholesome public persona come to be portrayed as a major cultural villain? Consider the latest media frenzy over Stewart's indictment for obstruction of justice. If the arbitrariness...
Death to Theocracy: America Must Act Now to Bring Down Iran’s Regime
The Bush administration has been right in recent weeks to focus attention on Iran--but not because of the threat that Iran might build nuclear weapons. Iran is the source of a much more powerful weapon of mass destruction that has already been unleashed against the...
Reducto Ad Totalitarianism
Imagine a society in which an unelected, few people, qualified for power only by their mastery of esoteric terminology and incantations, are able to dictate our everyday lives in the most minute detail--growing rich in the process by siphoning off unearned billions...
The Road Map to Hell in the Middle East
After using America's military to achieve a brilliant success in Iraq, President Bush is intent on using his new-found clout in the region to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. But the means he has chosen is renewed negotiations and a new diplomatic "road map." This...
The Road to Victory Goes Through Tehran
President Bush has declared the end of "major combat operations" in Iraq, but he has not declared victory in the War on Terrorism--and that's a good thing, because the largest and most important battle in that war still remains to be fought. The road to victory goes...
“Iraqi Freedom” Requires Individual Rights
Having been forced to recognize that our soldiers won a brilliant military victory in Iraq, media commentators are trying to minimize that achievement by loudly proclaiming how much more difficult it will be to "win the peace" by establishing a stable and benevolent...
Why the Holocaust Can Happen Again
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we are urged to memorialize the millions who suffered and died in the Nazi concentration camps. The purpose is not merely to pay tribute to the victims, but to learn what made an evil of such magnitude possible--and to prevent it from...
America Should Withdraw From The United Nations and Let It Collapse
If its handling of Iraq was a test of the United Nations, as President Bush has indicated, then the United Nations has clearly failed. But this should be no surprise, because yet another test of the United Nations--like yet another resolution giving Saddam Hussein...
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