Paul Hsieh MD

Paul S. Hsieh, MD, is a physician in practice in the south Denver metro region and he is a founding member of the Colorado group "Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine" (

How Medical Licensing Laws Harm Patients and Trap Doctors

Government licensing of doctors is both morally and economically wrong.

Dr. Orwell Will See You Now

Dr. Orwell Will See You Now

ObamaCare supporters are also selling a version of Orwell’s slogan, “Slavery is freedom,” by claiming that greater government controls over doctors will enhance their freedom to practice.

In Praise of Capitalist Inequality

In Praise of Capitalist Inequality

The Occupy Wall Street protestors claim to want “economic justice.” But real economic justice doesn’t consist of looting others’ wealth, but respecting others’ right to keep what they’ve earned.

ObamaCare vs. the Hippocratic Oath

ObamaCare vs. the Hippocratic Oath

Do we want a government-run medical system which forces doctors to choose between treating their patients in accordance with their best judgment or sacrificing their patients to keep their jobs?

The Deadly Tax on Medical Innovation

The Deadly Tax on Medical Innovation

A government that penalizes innovation could dramatically slow the pace of medical progress, leading to millions of preventable deaths. And this may be one of the worst long-range consequences of the recently passed ObamaCare health legislation.

Turning Medicine into Political Football

During President Obama's final push for "universal health care" legislation, his biggest obstacle was not Republicans but rather anti-abortion Democrats let by Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Michigan). Stupak eventually reached a last-minute deal with the White House on...

The Real ObamaCare Fraud

The Real ObamaCare Fraud

These government-mandated “quality” and “cost effectiveness” measures will thus place doctors in a position where they are punished for upholding their Hippocratic Oath to treat patients according to their best ability and rewarded for violating it.

Critical Week for Health Care Fight

This upcoming week will be *the* critical week in the health care fight.  Speaker Pelosi is expected to start the process for the House to hold its final vote to approve the Senate Bill.  The vote will probably take place at the end of this upcoming week....

The Health Care Bailout of 2018

In the 1990s, politicians wanted to make home ownership as universal as possible. They used laws such as the Community Reinvestment Act to force banks to make unsustainable loans to millions of people. They also expanded quasi-government agencies such as Fannie Mae...

The Future of Social Security?

The Future of Social Security?

One of the slowly-simmering issues I try to follow is the future of Social Security. Eventually, the current Ponzi scheme is going to go bankrupt, and right now there's no morally principled reform on the horizon. So one big question is what sort of response to this...

Why The Republicans Lost My Vote

Why The Republicans Lost My Vote

  After a resounding electoral defeat, in which voters in this once-red state rejected Republicans McCain, Schaffer, and Musgrave, the Colorado Republican Party will undoubtedly be asking themselves, "Why did we lose?" I want to let them know that they lost the...

“Single-Payer” Health Care Is Anything But Free

Michael Moore's latest movie "SiCKO" sings the praises of the Canadian "single-payer" socialized medical system. Some Americans want a similar system implemented in the United States. Defenders of the Canadian system frequently claim that patients don't have to worry...

Socialized Medicine Is Wrong For Colorado

The Colorado Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Care Reform recently selected four proposals for health care reform for eventual consideration by the state legislature. Although they differ in their details, these differences are dwarfed by their fundamental similarity...

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