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Letters to the Editor: November 2006

Re: Dubious Dogma From The Witch Doctor Dalai Lama by Nicholas Provenzo (November 15, 2006) I must congratulate Mr. Provenzo on his accurate description of the Dali Lama. I can add something to expand the irrationality of this "great moral leader." In the 1990's, when...

Letters to the Editor: August 2006

Lebanese Government Has No Legitimacy Dear Editor: President Bush is urging Israel to preserve the fragile government of Lebanon, which was recently chosen in democratic elections supported by Bush himself. But Israel should do exactly the opposite. Hezbollah, the...

Letters to The Editor: June 2006

European Governments Have No Right To Take Over Apple's Itunes Dear Editor:European governments have no right to force Apple to make downloads from iTunes compatible with the products of its rivals.If music listeners don't like the limitations of Apple's products and...

Letters to the Editor: April 2006

Re: Pay Less, Drive More Dear Editor: The Bush Administration's new light truck fuel economy standards save record amounts of fuel, reform an outdated system, preserve vehicle choice, and increase safety. The fact is that in less than three years, this Administration...

Defending Colonel Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

According to the University of Washington student government, university alumnus Gregory "Pappy" Boyington is not a person university students should strive to emulate and he should not be honored with a memorial on campus because as a Marine Corps officer, he was a...

Letters to the Editor: October 2005

Oil Companies Have a Right To Their Profits Dear Editor, Why should we be angry at high profits of oil companies when it is these companies that make our very way of life possible. The high profits and the high prices of oil also act as a price signal to oil companies...

Letters to the Editor: July 2005

G8 Aids Terrorism Dear Editor: The G8 leaders' decision to give billions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority in the aftermath of the terrorist bombings in London will only encourage more terrorism. A large portion of this money will no doubt find its way into the...

Letter to the Editors: February 2005

Who is against human values? Dear Dr. Lewis, I am doing a paper on the topic of "What does a soul or center, if we have one, have to do with human values? I am taking the position of having a soul to be important and as a need in today's society. I will use Plato's...

Letters to the Editor: December 2004

December 15, 2004 The Real World of Child Placement Dear Editor, Thomas Sowell argues the case against the return (or reunification) of abused/neglected children to their parents (see The "Family Re-Unfication" Gamble: Angelo Marinda All Over Again?). As a former...

Letters to the Editor: 2004 November

November 16, 2004 Castro is Not "Generous," He's a Thug Mr.Alexander Marriott,I have read your article concerning the evils of Fidel Castro and Communism (The "Inspirational" Dictator and the New York Yankee). I understand that we live in the best nation in the world...

Letters to the Editor: October 2004

October 18, 2004 Prosecuting "immoral price gougers" Dear Editor: Tommy Thompson, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was wrong to exhort the 50 state-attorneys general to zealously prosecute "immoral price gougers" of limited flu vaccines....

Letters to The Editor: September 2004

September 28, 2004 Why Australia is No Ally to Kerry Australia is a strong ally of the United States. We have a history of fighting alongside American troops in the wars of self interest over the past century (World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War I). We...

Letters to the Editor (August 2004)

Clarifying the Meaning of Initiation of Physical ForceAugust 21, 2004While I agree with the administration's use of preemptive attacks against the Hussein regime, I note that Dr. Hurd's endorsement occurs in an article linked to the Capitalism web site in which it is...

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