Nicholas Provenzo

Nicholas Provenzo is founder and Chairman of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism.

Why Boycotting Berkeley is Important

I watched the video of the January 29th meeting of the Berkeley City Council where resolutions were passed telling the Marines that they are "unwanted and uninvited guests" with in city limits and applauding those who work to disrupt the Marines from their mission. As...

The Anti-Capitalist Mentality

Consider the following statement issued on September 27, 2002 at a press conference by the leaders of last weekend's "anti-capitalist convergence" in Washington, DC after hundreds of protestors were arrested for acts of violence and disorder, including halting...

West Nile Virus: The Environmentalist’s Epidemic

West Nile Virus: The Environmentalist’s Epidemic

The Washington Post reports that a 54 year-old Northern Virginia woman died this Sunday after being infected with the West Nile virus. The woman was Virginia's first death from the mosquito-borne illness. To date, the Centers for Disease Control reports over 2,000...

Yet More Tears for Africa

In a report in the Washington Times, the Bush administration said in August that it no longer considers President Robert Mugabe to be the legitimate leader of Zimbabwe and called upon "the body politic" of his country "to go forward and correct that situation."...

One Year Later: Does Bush Really Understand the War?

The AP reports President Bush's overall approval rating has slid steadily downward over the summer, largely because of a withering of support in the way he is conducting foreign policy. According to a CBS News-New York Times poll released earlier this month, a...

Mad about Mandela

According to a Reuters report filed by Brendan Boyle, South African statesman Nelson Mandela condemned President Bush's policy on Iraq earlier this month, saying he was "appalled" by U.S. threats of military action. According to the report: "What they are introducing...

An America-free 9/11 Commemoration

Leave it to the folks at UC Berkley to make a muck out the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. According to the California Patriot, a student-run publication of the Berkeley Conservative Foundation, a university sponsored 9/11 "Day of Remembrance" will be devoid of any...

Alan Greenspan: Ayn Rand’s Failed Student

Alan Greenspan: Ayn Rand’s Failed Student

As legend has it, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan was once a member of Ayn Rand's 1960's salon. He was an invited guest at Rand's apartment and apparently was close enough to have read her epic Atlas Shrugged as it came off her typewriter. How lucky for him....

Patriotism and Tax Havens

Patriotism and Tax Havens

What defines a patriot these days? Is it one's dedication to the principles of freedom, or is is it one's willingness to place their life second to the needs of the state. These days, it looks a lot like the latter is the common view. Take for example, the corporate...

Individual Rights & the Supreme Court

A proper government defines and protects the individual rights of its citizens. Under such a government, the courts play a crucial role; it is through the courts that men are able to settle disputes peaceably according to predetermined legal rules. It is these legal...

Real Patriots Support Corporate Inversions

Late last month, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures held a hearing on corporate inversions--the process by which an American company avoids the tax bias against its overseas income by re-incorporating to a tax haven nation. The hearing...

Symbol and Substance: The Pledge of Allegiance

With all the rage over Wednesday's 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in the public schools violates the religious establishment clause of the 1st Amendment, it's pretty clear a lot of people are upset that they no longer have...

Survey This! The Republican Party Census Document

Because I subscribe to some magazine or journal that sells its subscription list, I now receive a varying degree of fundraising letters from the Republican National Committee. By far the most frequent letters I receive are of the infamous "push-poll" variety. The...

Individualism vs. Serfdom in Defense of Freedom

In his June 6th column, Ross Mackenzie reprints a salty speech by US Third Army General George Patton to his men prior to the invasion of D-Day in 1944. In his speech, Patton is reported to have made the following comments: "An Army is a team--lives, sleeps, eats,...

Limits on Taxation: It’s the Spending Stupid

It's that time of year when the old tax limitation constitutional amendment bill gets dusted off before it receives its yearly summary defeat. An expansion of the 1994 "Contract with America" provision that modified House rules to require a two-thirds vote of the...

We Must Protect Science

Currently on the agenda of the US Senate is legislation that would outlaw a scientist's right to clone human tissue. This "Human Cloning Prohibition Act" was introduced last year by Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas. In what would be the greatest injustice against...

The Earth is Mankind’s Garden

The Earth is Mankind’s Garden

If the welfare of human life was the standard by which we judged industry and technology, there would be no reason to have a day like "Earth Day." Rather than the environmentalists parading their assault on anything and everything that is a mark of human existence on...

It’s Time for Congress to Re-evaluate Antitrust

It’s Time for Congress to Re-evaluate Antitrust

The following written testimony was submitted to the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary for its hearings on the proposed Microsoft antitrust settlement. On behalf of the Center for the Moral Defense of Capitalism, I respectfully submit my testimony to the US Senate...

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