If Indians want to reap multi-million-dollar profits from casino gambling, they should be required to shed their legal status as societal victims and compete on a level playing field. Savvy tribes, armed with lawyers and lobbyists, are targeting non-tribal lands in...
Michelle Malkin
Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the MICHELLE MALKIN column in your hometwon paper.
Ignoring A “Hate Crime” in D.C.
Here in the land of pontificators and tolerance preachers, a hateful crime goes unpunished. President Clinton, our lame duck lip-biter, is nowhere to be found. Neither are the chest-beaters at the New York Times. And the rainbow coalition of loud-mouthed minority...
Feminization of Gun Debate Drowns Out Sober Analysis
WHEN IT COMES to talking about guns, responsible women should adopt Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo pledge: No more tears. No more mom-in-tennis-shoes proselytizing. No more irrational NRA-bashing. No more maudlin sermons. Alas, the sopping feminization of...
Brace Yourselves for Floridation
One of my favorite bands, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, recently penned an ode to "Californication." The term refers to the spread of the Golden State's worst attributes: smog, strip malls, drive-bys, and celebrity worship. "It's understood that Hollywood sells...
The Real Grinches are Environmentalist Luddites Who Stand In the Way of a Free-Market For Electricity
Windmills and candles and warm woolen mittens. Staticky sparks from the fur of small kittens. Campfires and solar panels and thermal paddings. These are a few of the favorite things that radical environmentalists would rather rely on for warmth, light, and electricity...
UNICEF Kills the Little Children…
"Breast is best." No, it's not the new slogan for Hooters restaurant. It's the mantra of breast-feeding advocates who promote their cause with a cult-like fervor around the world. Their extremism must be condemned. I have nothing against breast-feeding. After weighing...
The Amish Against The Feds
Everything I learned about the Amish, I learned from the old Harrison Ford movie, "Witness." Members of this pacifist religious community don't use electricity or listen to music. The women wear bonnets. The men drive black buggies. Thanks to principled elders,...
Napster is About Freeloading, not Freedom
Conservatives have been at the forefront of defending Microsoft's intellectual property rights, but are reluctant to criticize Napster for fear of seeming anti-technology and pro-government. Don't be intimidated by the cyber-mob. Napster is about freeloading, not...
Let the Sun Shine on the Supremes: Open up the Courts to America
When will the high and mighty hermits on the U.S. Supreme Court get over themselves and get with the 21st century? Unlike the judiciaries in 47 states, the highest court in the land still refuses to allow its hearings to be televised. Thanks to snooty traditions,...
A Politically Correct Nobel Peace Prize for Murder
Stanley "Tookie" Williams was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize this week. His supporters call him "wise," "compassionate," "well-read," and "wide-eyed like a child." So just what are Tookie Williams' qualifications for one of the most prestigious honors in the...
A Vicious Double Standard in Journalism: Fog Horns of the Fourth Estate
TV journalism means never having to be truly sorry. You would think that after last Tuesday's election coverage fiasco, the broadcast networks might show a smidgen of humility. Instead, NBC and MSNBC -- which led the blow-dried lemmings in erroneously awarding Florida...
Al Gore’s Legal Fishing Expedition: Who Cares About Election Fraud Now?
Faster than you can say Court TV, a high-priced flock of Democrat Party lawyers packed their polo shirts and jetted to Florida to investigate claims of election fraud. Al Gore's presidential campaign is reportedly drumming up $3 million from lobbyists to pay for the...
No Cure for Generational Pain
If you thought the public uproar over George W. Bush's use of an expletive last [month] was big, imagine the national horror he would have provoked if he had said he was against offering any new Medicare benefits for the elderly. Al Gore wants to throw $250 billion at...
The Million Mom Murmur: Gore Throws Off His Anti-Gun Shoes for Hunting Boots
They came. They roared. They're being ignored. The top lieutenants of the Million Mom March have been put in their proper place: far back, out of sight, on the margins of national debate and the presidential campaign. Good riddance. Led by Democratic political...
GOP Revolutionaries Head For The Hills
The GOP Revolution of 1994 now seems as quaint and distant a historical event as the American Revolution of 1776. Congressional Republicans pledged "to bring to the House a new majority that will transform the way Congress works." The Contract With America promised...
The Party of Maxine Waters
She is one of the most self-serving, hate-filled, race-obsessed politicians in America. The Democratic Party doesn't just embrace her. It kneels at her feet. Los Angeles Congresswoman Maxine Waters reigned supreme when Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe...
Notes on a West Coast Wilding
There was a fatal beating on the West Coast [a few months] ago. It was the kind of incident that makes the hair on your arms stand up straight. The kind that makes you gasp out loud and double-check the locks on your front door. The kind that makes you wonder why, if...
Tribulation of a Dubious “Tribe”
The Mashantucket Pequots are in trouble again. And with the new controversy, an old question resurfaces: If an Indian tribe isn't really Indian, why does the federal government allow it to take advantage of special programs, legal exemptions, and enormous wealth? A...
Pharmaceutical Butchers of Beijing
Boycott this! Boycott that! Fill in the blank: Grapes. Diamonds. Tobacco. Wal-Mart. Nike. Nestle. Denny's. Disney. McDonald's. Burma. Nigeria. South Africa. For every politically incorrect product, corporation, and location under the sun, there is a left-wing consumer...
Moochers at Multiplex
Grab a bag of popcorn and get out your hankies. This one's a real tear-jerker -- for taxpayers, that is.Movie theaters are shutting down all across America. The stock prices of major multiplex chains are plummeting. Cinema companies are declaring bankruptcy,...
How The West Was Seized
Vice President Al Gore -- Mr. Environmentalism, Mr. Encyclopedic Mind -- went blank during the second presidential debate this week when challenged on one of the most alarming land issues facing the nation. Highlighting the difference in their approaches to...
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