Michelle Malkin

Malkin is a graduate of Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She lives with her husband in North Bethesda, MD.

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P.C. Religious Police vs. America’s Military

There's something terribly wrong when an American soldier overseas can't receive Scriptures in the mail, but a Muslim chaplain can preach freely among al Qaeda and Taliban enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay. This is a story of two soldiers, one Christian, one Muslim....

Terrorist Visas for Sale Courtesy of the INS

Attention, terrorists: Want a U.S. visa? Worried about America's so-called immigration "crackdown" in response to the 9-11 attacks? Have no fear. If you've got cash, your green card is in the bag. Last weekend, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that federal...

More Muslim Enemies from Within

There was a venomous hatefest in the nation's capitol on Halloween night. It was hosted by Malik Zulu Shabazz of the militant New Black Panther Party. Deadly rhetorical spores of Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism permeated the air for more than four hours. But there...

A Purple Heart for Dan Rather? Not!

Will Dan Rather please shut up? The veteran teleprompter reader for CBS News wants Americans to know that when he sits behind his hollow anchor desk, he isn't just warming a chair. Rather actually fancies himself fighting on the front lines against terrorism. Under...

Heisting Cipro: Charles Schumer vs. American Innovation

Senator Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) rightly chastised House leaders last month (Oct. 19, 2001) for panicking in the face of anthrax attacks. But Schumer's own behavior has been a shameful spectacle of political panty-bunching. Count him among the many Chicken Littles...

Of Halloween Spoilsports and Spiders

This will be my 16-month-old daughter's first Halloween on foot. Last year, she was a baby bunny who toured the neighborhood in Daddy's arms. This year, she'll be a kitten -- clambering up porch steps, clutching her goody bag, and marveling at all the treats within...

A Slackening Nation of Work-Avoidance Wimps

The first newspaper job I ever had was a very brief summer stint as a press inserter. You stand in front of a mammoth piece of machinery along with a dozen or so other workers. Grab a pair of earplugs and haul a 25-pound stack of advertising supplements over to your...

Bioterrorism: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Here is the surest way for government officials to stoke nationwide fear about bioterrorism in this country: Treat the American public like children. Public-health bureaucrats have grown smugly accustomed to telling us what we should think -- instead of what we should...

Violinist Isaac Stern’s Inspiration

Life goes on in the post-9-11 world. So, alas, does death. [Last month], world-renowned violinist Isaac Stern left us after 81 blessed years. He died of heart failure. What a huge, roaring heart it was. As we continue to mourn and tremble and rage in the aftermath of...

The Boy who Cried “Muslim”

This is the story of the boy who cried "Muslim." It's a story about the obscene exploitation of tragedy, the abuse of public sympathy, and the trashing of truth and honor under the guise of promoting tolerance. But this is no fable. It's a true-life, hoax-crime caper:...

Berkeley vs. America

President Bush urged citizens this week to go back to work and try to restore normalcy to their everyday lives. Accordingly, the People's Republic of Berkeley, Calif., wasted no time in returning to its business as usual: stifling political dissent under the guise of...

No More Terrorist Welcome Mat

Our Statue of Liberty stands stalwart in New York harbor, her head unbowed and torch aloft. For more than a century, she has generously welcomed the tired, poor, and huddled masses. But now, with the ashes of anti-American terrorism at her feet, it is time for Lady...

What Must America Do Now

Why on earth have we been giving tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid to an unrepentant state sponsor of terrorism that continues to harbor one of our worst enemies? The facts: Osama bin Laden has long been one of America's most wanted fugitives from justice....

A Really Bad Case of Gas

President Bush showed spirited common sense on environmental policies -- before he got elected. "I don't believe in command and control out of Washington, D.C.," Bush said during the second presidential debate last fall. "Not all wisdom is in Washington, D.C., on this...

Teachers, Guns, and Zero-Tolerance Tyranny

Teachers, Guns, and Zero-Tolerance Tyranny

When the new school year begins, Deena Esteban will not be among the legions of educators welcoming students back to class. That's because Mrs. Esteban, a 43-year-old art teacher in Prince William County, Va., lost the job she loved after being convicted of a felony...

Reflections of a Former Intern

Twenty years from now, when my baby daughter is on the brink of full adulthood, I will tell her about my experience as a 20-year-old intern in Washington, D.C. A decade ago, I headed to the District for a month-long stint in a Senate office. Like most dreamy-eyed and...

The Real Winner of the Powerball Lottery

Four lucky ticketholders struck it rich last weekend, but here's the real winner of the $295 million Powerball binge: the government. Powerball is a multi-state numbers racket that would be quashed by the U.S. Department of Justice if it were privately run. Instead,...

The 2008 Olympics: How Communists Compete

Now that the rulers of Red China have clinched the 2008 Olympics, expect them to do everything in their authoritarian power to ensure that their athletes live up to the motto of the Games: "Faster, higher, stronger." How will they accomplish this goal and win the...

The Book Burners Against Mark Twain

Mark Twain once observed that "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." That's precisely why the muddle-headed movement to ban Twain and his greatest work, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," persists like gangrene. The Left's assault on Twain...

Peacnik-Enviro-Guru Finally Faces Justice for Murder

A beautiful young woman vanishes. For months, her family searches in vain. They suspect her boyfriend, a secretive and arrogant older man who is active in public life. But his friends, including many famous members of the political and cultural elite, refuse to...

Extend Tax-Free Holidays to the Rest of the Year

My daughter's still in diapers, but I'm taking her "back-to-school" shopping this week. Here in Maryland, politicians have established a tax-free, retail holiday to pander to the soccer-mom crowd. The trend was started in New York and copied in Connecticut, Florida,...

Cronyism 101: The Perks of Being “Disadvantaged”

The "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" program, run by the U.S. Department of Transportation and adopted by states and cities across the country, is one of the most atrociously corrupt government endeavors in existence. Opportunists of all colors have used the racial...

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