Michelle Malkin

Malkin is a graduate of Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She lives with her husband in North Bethesda, MD.

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P.C. Insanity at the Pentagon

If Osama bin Laden snuck into our country illegally, bought fake immigration papers and changed his name to Osmundo Ben Ladeno, could he join the U.S. military? You betcha! Last week, the Army announced that Pvt. Juan Escalante, a 19-year-old illegal alien from Mexico...

Behind the Environmental Working Group

Among the political chattering classes, there's a big buzz over a tiny activist organization called the Environmental Working Group. Both liberals and conservatives, including the left-leaning New York Times editorial page and the right-leaning Wall Street Journal...

The Illegal Alien Pander-lympics

There's a rigged competition going on in politics that you won't see on television this week. It's the deceptive speed-spending race to fix our immigration enforcement woes. President Bush proposes boosting the Immigration and Naturalization Service's budget by 23...

Ramsey Clark’s “Terrorists ‘R Us” Law Practice

Murderous thugs of the world, rejoice. Once again, Ramsey Clark has come to your aid -- whether you want him to or not. Now, if only Clark would permanently move himself and his "Terrorists 'R Us" law practice to a sand dune outpost in Kandahar, we'd all have...

Colin Powell “hooks up” with MTV

This month, sandwiched somewhere in between Britney Spears' videos, Trojan condom ads, booze-drenched Mardi Gras parties, soft-porn soap operas, and reruns of vulgar stunt shows, MTV will broadcast a "global town meeting" featuring Secretary of State Colin Powell....

Fidel Castro: The Charmer and the Torturer

A gaggle of gullible women from Seattle flew to Havana last week to meet with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. They found him "charming" and "eloquent." They were especially flattered that Castro -- the head of one of the world's most repressive regimes, listed by the...

A Petty Tyrant’s Cover-up at Columbine

There are good cops and there are bad cops. Sept. 11 has not changed that fact. We saw the best of the best sacrifice their lives for their fellow citizens when the World Trade Center crumbled. But while we honor the memory of heroic police officers, we must not turn...

Kick This Baby Killer Out

If homeland defense means anything, it means being able to dictate who can and cannot call our country home. The case of Melanie Jeanbeaucejour shows that America does not yet have the guts or willpower to swiftly throw out unwelcome guests. This story is sure to...

Stop Giving America a Bad Rap

Even if you have only a passing interest in today's popular music, I urge you to pay attention to the loathsome record nominated this week by Washington Post staff writer David Segal as the "Best Album" of 2001. It's a stomach-turning example of anti-Americanism...

N.Y. Port Authority’s Forgotten Heroes

"Billy Blazes," a New York firefighter action figure, is one of the biggest-selling items on the Christmas toy market this year. Also high on the holiday gift list: "FDNY" and "NYPD" caps, shirts and sweaters. The two city departments earned global fame -- and a...

Hostile Fire from Eco-“Extremists”

Which is more important: Well-trained Navy pilots or well-rested toads? Increased military preparedness or increased antelope populations? Improved bombing facilities or improved fairy shrimp habitats? The choice of environmental "extremists", no-growth activists and...

Grave Matters for America’s Vets

Arlington National Cemetery, Va. -- On a cold gray day, the fierce colors of the American flag cloaked Johnny "Mike" Spann's coffin and warmed the air with patriotic incandescence. Nearby, the clip-clop of a riderless horse's hooves and the rat-a-tat-tat of a solo...

Stop Throwing Money at CDC

Dr. David Satcher, the nation's lame duck surgeon general, wants taxpayers to cough up more money for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This irrelevant bureaucrat's last-ditch money grab is one of the more distasteful examples of exploiting the Sept. 11...

Banking on American Stupidity

Some American banks just don't get it. Here we are, at war with deadly foreign terrorists who exploited our lax immigration policies, and what are these U.S. financial institutions doing? Making it easier for illegal immigrants to do business inside our borders....

A Patriotic Professor is Falsely Accused

A week after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on America, four Muslim students claimed that their public college professor called them "Nazis," "murderers" and "terrorists." The media ate up the story. Muslim activists rallied. School officials panicked. The college...

A Recipe for Safer Skies?

Looks like the White House has already traded in its recently adopted motto, "Let's Roll," for a new slogan: "Let's Roll Over." With a submissive stroke of President Bush's pen, nearly 30,000 airport screeners gained lifetime public employment this week. President...

Tears and Toughness

The victims of American Airlines Flight 587 and their families deserve our deepest sympathy and prayers. But compassion must not override vigilance. Our resolve to enforce immigration laws in the wake of Sept. 11 must not be weakened. According to the Associated...

An INS Horror Story

The INS bureaucracy is a cesspool of elbow-rubbers, string-pullers, chest-puffers and cover-uppers who care more about protecting their backsides than upholding the law. Look no further than the man who currently heads the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service's...

No More Jury Trials for Terrorists

When American pacifists talk about seeking "justice" for terrorists, here is what they mean: More than $7 million in U.S. taxpayer funds went to lawyers who defended Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed, Mohamed Sadeek Odeh, and Wadih El-Hage....

Fallen Veteran of an Undeclared War

This is the story of one young American who served and died during our war on terrorism - years before we officially declared it. Jesse Nathaniel Aliganga ("Nathan" to his loved ones) was a member of the elite Marine Security Guard detachment stationed in Nairobi,...

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