President Bush signed an immigration reform bill last month that will supposedly make our borders "more secure" and "smart." But "smart" technology can't cure corrupted borders. This new law won't do much good if our own State Department officials are willing to sell...
Michelle Malkin
Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the MICHELLE MALKIN column in your hometwon paper.
From Flanders Fields to Roberts Ridge
To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. -- John McCrae, "In Flanders Fields," 1915 We cherish, too, the poppy red That grows on fields where...
“Drug Money Supports Terrorism”: Cigarette Taxes and Terrorism
Do you remember those $3.5 million government ads that ran during the Super Bowl -- the ones linking drug use with terrorism? "Timmy," a somber-looking teenager, stared at the camera and said: "I killed mothers. I killed fathers. I killed grandmas. I killed grandpas....
Crack Down on Criminal Aliens
Attorney General John Ashcroft is making sense. This week, he ordered the deportation of a Haitian nanny who was convicted of second-degree manslaughter in the beating death of a 19-month-old boy in 1995. Ashcroft's decision reverses a bleeding-heart ruling by three...
A Lesson for GOP Panderers on Illegal Immigration
The Republican Party needs to hire Andrew Smith to help shape its message on immigration. At 18, this senior at Novato High School in Marin County, Calif., has more common sense and cojones than the hapless panderers in the GOP who have thrown their principles to the...
The Thong Reaction
We live in the Age of Exhibitionism. Underwear is outerwear. Gauze is a coverup. "Bare midriff" is redundant. Earlier this spring, the red-carpet parade at the Academy Awards exposed more sagging flesh than an aging nudist colony. Did you see actresses Gwyneth Paltrow...
Shakedown at Abercrombie & Fitch: White and Wong Profiteers
Abercrombie & Fitch tried to sell some silly T-shirts with Asian caricatures a few weeks ago. One showed a pair of slant-eyed Chinese men with the phrase, "Wong Brothers Laundry Service: Two Wongs Can Make It White." Some very loud, wired and whiny Asian-American...
Terminate This, Arnold
Conservative Hollywood celebrities are an endangered species -- and they're moving one step closer to extinction. Sad to say, but rock-ribbed Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger has grown flabby and flown leftward. Hasta la vista, baby. Last month, Schwarzenegger...
The Wall Street Journal on Illegal Immigration: Bordering on Idiocy
What does combating illegal immigration have to do with combating Middle Eastern terrorists in America? Well, duh. Let's review: Three of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were illegal visa overstayers. Seven of the 19 obtained fraudulent ID cards with the help of illegal...
The Problem with Washington
Why on earth would you want to move to Washington, D.C.? Inside the Beltway, this is an absurd and unthinkable question. Washington, after all, is the Center of the Universe. The Pillar of Power. The Dominion of Movers and Shakers. Who wouldn't want to live and work...
See Dick and Jane Weep
Home schooling is looking more and more like the only sane educational option these days. The latest news of the weird in our public schools comes from Seattle. Last week, The Seattle Times reports, nearly 300 students from two middle schools were subjected to three...
Sick: Kiddie Suicide Bomber Chic
As I helped my toddler get dressed this morning, in a crisp white T-shirt imprinted with an American flag and a pair of embroidered blue jeans, I couldn't erase a heinous picture from my mind. It was an Associated Press photo taken Saturday in Berlin, Germany, of a...
Ozzy and Busta: MTV’s Drunken Stupor
Once again, MTV is basking in the glow of critical acclaim. This time it's a cultural breakthrough called "The Osbournes," a "brilliant" (Time magazine) reality show chronicling the family life of heavy metal has-been Ozzy Osbourne. It's "the most refreshing, funny...
Who is Janis Sposato?
In response to last week's DeadHijackerVisa-gate, the Immigration and Naturalization Service "reassigned" four managers to replace four other managers -- whom the agency refuses to name -- in order to "begin the process of accountability." Begin? Here's a closer look...
On Bataan and Balikatan
To your average Howard Stern fan, the Philippines is nothing more than a carnival land of shoe-crazy, dog-eating jungle dwellers who are a perennial source of cheap jokes. Some Americans know better. Just ask the thousands of surviving U.S. soldiers who fought in the...
Another Lesson in Rioting 101: They Do It Because They Can
They did it again. In their alcohol-soaked delirium, students at the University of Maryland managed to make national fools of themselves and of the grown-ups who supposedly supervise their campus. These bright young scholars trashed the school grounds and surrounding...
More Clintonian Deeds Go Unpunished
Clinton-era sleaze is like a stubborn toe fungus. It just won't go away. Fourteen months after the 42nd president of the United States left office, news is spreading of yet another unsightly scandal under his watch. And true to Clintonian form, it looks like those...
Just Wondering
The six-month anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is upon us. Here are a half-dozen unsolved mysteries still on my mind: What really happened on United Airlines Flight 93? As the Philadelphia Daily News reported back in November, many folks in Shanksville,...
Inside the Lives of America’s Politicians: Battle of the Beltway Buttinskis
There's a word for people like Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, who got caught last week cutting in line at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. The word is buttinski. Beltway buttinskis can't wait around like everybody else. Long lines are...
Why New Campaign Finance Laws Will Punish Free Speech, But Not Corruption
Newsflash: The woman who helped launder Al Gore's Buddhist temple money has not served a single day in jail. And she probably never will. The hidden story of how funny money honey Maria Hsia escaped any meaningful punishment for corrupting our election system shows...
Sept 11th: Lest we Forget
Run to the grocery store this week and buy the Feb. 25, 2002, issue of People magazine. The cover photo is a special, double-paged layout that you must see. No, it's not a Victoria's Secret model shoot. No, it's not the cast of "Friends" or "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."...
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