Michelle Malkin

Malkin is a graduate of Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She lives with her husband in North Bethesda, MD.

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The “Bloviator’s” New Best Friend

Alec "the Bloviator" Baldwin has a new bosom buddy: Beltway Republican strategist Grover Norquist. The Bush-bashing actor-turned-activist and the Muslim vote-courting political organizer joined together at a Washington, D.C.-area conference last weekend to perpetuate...

The Homeland Security Bill’s Poison Pill

Criminal aliens and their lawyers are rooting mightily for the Senate's version of the Homeland Security bill now being debated in Washington. That's because buried in the legislation is a very dangerous proposal to grant unprecedented power to a secretive,...

The Other Energy Scandal: Ethanol

Prosecutors snagged their first guilty plea in the Enron energy scandal last month. Former executive Michael Kopper admitted to money laundering and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. He has promised to forfeit $12 million in illegal profits, which will be distributed...

Olympic Boondoggle: Careful What You Wish For

The U.S. Olympic Committee made grown men and women cry last month when it eliminated Houston and Washington, D.C., from the running to host the 2012 summer games. Texas-sized tears rolled in both towns. D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams looked more crushed than Charlie...

9/11: Surrending the Domestic Front

After Osama bin Laden's hijack squadrons invaded our skies a year ago, America's military responded. Operation Enduring Freedom launched on Oct. 7, 2001. President Bush deployed thousands of troops to combat terrorist forces in the Middle East. By Memorial Day, dozens...

The Media’s Messed Up Priorities in News Coverage

On Aug. 12, CNN aired a "breaking" news conference to update viewers on a matter it considered of global importance: the medical condition of Jason Priestley -- a washed-up, 32-year-old former TV idol who sustained moderate injuries during a Kentucky auto race over...

What’s Bugging the Environmentalists?

Whenever I head out for an early evening walk by the neighborhood lake with my husband and toddler, we follow the same routine. Put on our shoes. Take a trip to the Blue's Clues potty. And finally: Spray. We don't give a second thought to applying a small amount of...

Get Out Your Reparations Calculator

Thousands of aggrieved activists are headed to Washington, D.C., later this week for the "Millions for Reparations" march. The theme is: "They Owe Us." "Us" means black Americans who allegedly endure lasting psychological and economic suffering as a result of their...

The Friends of James Ujaama

Just when you think you know somebody, he goes and gets himself detained by the FBI for questioning in connection with alleged ties to the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden. So, whom do you stand by: your country or an individual who you've known all your life --...

Affirmative Action Hero: The Life and Death of Patrick Chavis

Dr. Patrick Chavis is dead. Will the liberal politicians and gullible media who made him a poster boy for government-imposed affirmative action shed a single tear, or will they continue to ignore what a shameful tragedy his life became? According to a Los Angeles...

What’s Good for Tom Daschle…

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle has seen the light. People -- specifically, people who live and vote in his home state of South Dakota -- must come before plant life. This sudden insight was illuminated by the glare of 50,000 forest fires, which have burned through...

The Wall Street Journal’s Immigration Foul

The Wall Street Journal’s Immigration Foul

The Wall Street Journal editorial page is a reliable beacon of truth and common sense. Except when it comes to immigration. The open borders zealotry of the newspaper's editorial writers has led to positively Clintonian rationalizations for undermining the rule of law...

Protecting Squid Before Sailors

Osama bin Laden gets help from the strangest creatures. As America's military struggles to prepare its forces for the War on Terror, radical environmentalists are using marine life -- whales, dolphins, and even squid -- to try to block sea-based training exercises and...

Free Ride for Foreign Ship-Jumpers

While Washington buzzes over President Bush's homeland security plan to secure America's borders, untold numbers of foreigners continue to pour into our country illegally through limitless unsecured cracks and crevices. Joining the ranks of the estimated 9 million to...

The Democrats’ Bad, Bad Boy

The Democrats’ Bad, Bad Boy

If Rep. James P. Moran of Virginia were a Republican, he'd be a household name by now -- right up there in the infamous conservative pantheon with Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond and Newt Gingrich. He'd be lambasted by leading opinion-makers for his greed, hypocrisy and...

What About “One Nation”?

Last month, members of Congress leapt to the defense of the words "under God." They shouted the phrase on Capitol Hill and in front of every available camera. But what about the two little words in the Pledge of Allegiance that come right before "under God"? Who in...

Hillary’s Silence on Education Fraud

The New York Times reports that Senator Hillary Clinton is nearing completion of her memoirs. Well, not actually Mrs. Clinton. A small village of personal aides and professional hacks pitched in to research and write the $8 million book. No doubt Mrs. Clinton's team...

A World Without “F’s”

School's out. What did your children learn this year? Across the country, one poisonous lesson was pumped into the systems of self-esteem-inflated students: There is no such thing as failure. Christine Pelton, a now-famous former biology teacher at Piper High School...

The Forest Service Smokescreen

Terry Barton, a U.S. Forest Service worker, was charged this week with intentionally setting the largest wildfire in Colorado history. It is a black mark on the beleaguered federal agency. But it's not the blackest mark. Last summer, four young firefighters died at...

“I am an American”?

Remember those public-service ads with the politically correct cast of actors staring into the camera and stating, "I am an American"? Something always bothered me about that campaign. It was the snarly attitude that many of the cast members had while supposedly...

Borders, Cyanide, and Terrorism

Unidentified bandits stole 10 tons of sodium cyanide briquettes last month during a roadside robbery in Mexico. The lethal chemical, combined with sulfuric acid, is used in gas chamber executions; a single whiff can kill in minutes. The hijacked truck was found May 16...

Dysfunctional Dad of the Year

Move out of the way, Ozzy Osbourne. There's another foul-mouthed celebrity who's vying for the bleeding-heart pop critics' Father of the Year award. Eminem, the Detroit rapper whose third album skyrocketed to the top of the charts, wants everyone to know that he spews...

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