Mark Tapscott

Mark Tapscott is director of the Center for Media and Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation (, a Washington-based public policy research institute. Distributed nationally by Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Wire

Transparency: Bad News for Big Labor?

If AFL-CIO chief John Sweeney considers the defection of the Teamsters and Service Employees International Union a "grievous insult," he'd better hold on. Even bigger news may be coming, thanks to revised federal rules requiring unions to be far more specific about...

Time To Strengthen The Freedom of Information Act

Federal Election Commissioner Ellen Weintraub says the FEC has no interest in regulating political speech on the Internet. She opened a recent hearing by saying no one at the FEC has sought to manipulate it "as a vehicle for shutting down the right of any individual...

Big Government’s Threat to Free Press

"They better hope we don't win."That's the blunt warning political operative Chad Clanton recently delivered to the journalists at Sinclair Broadcasting. Clanton's boss is John Kerry, the subject of a highly critical documentary Sinclair plans to air later this...

“The Patriot Act” vs. Freedom

Ask a journalist about the Patriot Act, and the response may strike you as overly suspicious or even paranoid. But those who have submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to a federal agency know better.Consider FOIA requestor Robert Todd, who recently asked the...

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