Joseph Kellard

Joseph Kellard is a journalist living in New York. To read more of Mr. Kellard's commentary, visit his website The American Individualist at

Celebrate Individualism, Not Ethnicity

On St. Patrick's Day, I wore no buttons that read: "Proud to be Irish." While I'm of Celtic stock, I'm neither proud or ashamed to be Irish, but indifferent to this fact -- as I would be if I were of any other ethnicity or race. Instead, I'm proud to be an...

Mark McGwire and the Heroics in Hitting Home Runs

Mark McGwire of the Saint Louis Cardinals was right. America did need the spectacle of his pursuit of major-league baseball's single-season home run record. And much about what they needed culminated in St. Louis' Busch Stadium on September 8th, when he hit his...

The Pseudo-Scientific Road to Destruction

A recent study, funded by the National Science Foundation, alleges that the twentieth century has been warmer than the five centuries preceding it, and the years 1997, 1995 and 1990 were the warmest since1400 AD. Michael Mann, a climatologist at the University of...

The Republicans Fail Freedom Again

The Republicans Fail Freedom Again

During the debates over the recently defeated McCain tobacco bill, Republicans again demonstrated why they're incompetent to defend freedom. allegedly "protect children," government was to intensify its violation of individual rights by dictating the price of...

Books: The Godless Constitution

Books: The Godless Constitution

Ayn Rand held that the new intellectuals have to continue the Founders’ basic political line by reminding the world that man has a right to his own life, liberty, and happiness. Kramnic and Moore ultimately achieve this in Godless Constitution.

A Health Care Solution: Medical Savings Accounts

America's health care system is failing. Many Americans alarmed by this fact voice their usual mantra: "Something must be done." But virtually every "something" politicians enact -- such as Medicare reform, government-mandated HMOs, the Kennedy-Kassaubaum bill --...

Reason vs Faith: Julian Simon vs Paul Ehrlich

Reason vs Faith: Julian Simon vs Paul Ehrlich

In 1980, Julian Simon, the recently deceased economist and author of The Ultimate Resource, offered to environmentalists a wager based on his assertion that the price of any raw material would indefinitely decline on a future date. The wager was taken up by Paul...

The Department of Professions

Imagine that in 1917 our government usurped each individual's crucial responsibility of choosing their own profession, and that primarily because this government agency, called the Department of Professions (the DOP), has existed for generations, most Americans today...

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