John Stossel

John Stossel is author of No They Can't! Why Government Fails — But Individuals Succeed. For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit

Mandate Vaccine?

Some want the medical police to force everyone to get vaccinated.

Race and Riots

Race and Riots

Burning police stations and looting stores won’t speed that progress. It sets us back.

Forbidden Parenting

Forbidden Parenting

Some parents are so neglectful that government should intervene, but not by “telling us every little detail how to raise our children.”

Mike Bloomberg’s Nanny State

Mike Bloomberg’s Nanny State

Bloomberg may not be a communist, but he is no principled, limited-government capitalist, either. Bloomberg, unfortunately, is yet another unprincipled power-hungry political egomaniac.

Capitalism, Market Competition and Netflix

Capitalism, Market Competition and Netflix

Blockbuster’s demise began when it charged a man named Reed Hastings $40 in late fees. That annoyed him so much, he started a subscription-based, mail-order movie rental company he called Netflix.

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