George Clowes

George Clowes is Managing Editor for School Reform News. Made available through The Heartland Institute. The views expressed within may not represent those of Capitalism Magazine.

How Best to Improve School Productivity? School Choice!

Although it's only seven years since Caroline Minter Hoxby received her Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the brilliance of her subsequent research at Harvard University into the effectiveness and cost of public education has...
Interview: The Well Trained Mind and Homeschooling

Interview: The Well Trained Mind and Homeschooling

When her daughter Susan started kindergarten in Virginia in 1972, Jessie Wise quickly heard complaints from Susan's teacher that the child would become a social misfit because she wanted to read during free time instead of playing. This was not good news for Wise,...

Should Classes Be Smaller…or Simply More Orderly?

While there is much debate over the cost, wisdom, and effectiveness of different strategies for increasing the amount of learning time available in the average school year--such as increasing attendance rates, lengthening the school day, cutting out recess, and...

Anti-Intellectualism Runs Rampant in U.S. Education

Diane Ravitch research professor at New York University and holds the Brown Chair in Education Studies at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC and is author of the book Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms. Clowes: What prompted you to write Left Back?...

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