There is a catch here, of course. If these countries have plentiful emission credits for sale, then their price will not be very high and perhaps quite low. This means that the United States would be able to buy permits cheaply, and proceed as if the Kyoto Protocol...
Fred Singer
The Kyoto Protocol and Emissions Trading: The Costly Politics of Global Environmentalism, Part 3 of 4
The U.S. Administration's strategy for meeting the other objection of the Senate is to rely on emission trading. In principle, trading should reduce the cost of complying with the Kyoto Protocol. It would result in the lowest-cost industries cutting their emissions...
The Kyoto Protocol’s Endless Bureaucracy: The Costly Politics of Global Environmentalism, Part 2 of 4
The KYOTO PROTOCOL is not needed, is not effective in mitigating climate change (even if developing nations were to cooperate), is economically destructive, and therefore politically unacceptable. Yet, it has already spawned a large international bureaucracy -- even...
The Kyoto Protocol: The Costly Politics of Global Environmentalism, Part 1 of 4
The KYOTO PROTOCOL is being advertised as an international agreement to reduce the "threat" of greenhouse warming to the global climate. As its framers and supporters phrase it, global warming is the "greatest challenge to human existence on this planet;" this...
Rapid Climate Change and Human Intervention
The world's climate can change in just a few decades without any human intervention. Jeffrey P. Severinghaus of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, using a new method of analyzing gases trapped in Greenland ice, showed air temperatures warming rapidly at the end...
A Geophysicist Looks at Climate Change: Human Contribution to Climate Change Remains Questionable
The principal focus of climate science is certainly atmospheric science and meteorology, but the subject is so complex that it involves many other areas of the earth sciences, as well as different disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and even biology. This...
Environmental Myth Report
El Nino and global warming: What connection?It's been a hot year, thanks to El Nino. (According to weather satellite data, the first half of 1998 ranked well above the average of the last two decades; 1999 though is likely to be quite cold.) Much to the frustration of...
Global Warming: Fact and Myth
Undiluted hype about global warming and climate disasters is polluting the journals and airwaves; multimillion-dollar propaganda campaigns are underway by environmental activists, generously financed by compliant foundations and by government grants. The White House...
Scientists Warn That Actions Based On Unverified Climate Models Is Premature
As delegations from more than 150 countries were busy lobbying in Kyoto two months back in December, to discuss international controls on carbon dioxide emissions to mitigate a putative future global warming, climate scientists from Europe and North America warned...
Ten Things Everyone Ought To Know About Global Warming
With all the hype about global warming and climate disasters filling the journals and air waves, here are some facts that need to be more widely known: The climate is never just "average"; it changes all the time, from season to season, year to year, and over the...
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