With a long-term war in progress and threats of further terrorist attacks on American soil, is it mere escapism to go to movies such as Harry Potter? Not at all; such movies provide something just as essential to winning a war as weapons and soldiers. Harry Potter...
Dianne Durante
Dianne Durante, Ph.D., a senior writer for the Ayn Rand Institute in Marina del Rey, Calif, writes and lectures on art history in New York City. The Institute promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. You can visit her website at Forgotten Delights.
The Virtues of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter
Americans have had the book's release date marked on their calendars for months. It's Amazon's top seller. When it's finally available, many of us will rush to stores to purchase a copy, then fight over who gets to read it first ... with 10-year-olds. No, it's not...
The Purpose of a World Trade Center Memorial
Memorials proposed for the World Trade Center site include slabs of stone whose lines would correspond to the shadows cast by the Towers when they were attacked; a well 911 feet deep with two towers hovering above it; and a grass-covered mound 650 feet across. For...
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