Opponents of Social Security reform must feel like they're stuck in a bad horror film. Every time they think they've killed off personal retirement accounts, the campaign to create the accounts comes back, stronger than ever. The 2002 election was no exception. Social...
David C. John
A Second Look at Social Security’s “Trust Fund”
"When it comes to waging war on terrorism, the president has our total support," says Rep. John Spratt Jr., D-S.C., a member of the House Budget Committee. "But national security and homeland security need not come at the expense of Social Security." Rep. Spratt isn't...
Social Security’s No Accounts
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, the saying goes. It's exactly what we're getting from opponents of Social Security reform, who have staged sign-wielding protests in more than 40 cities to convince Americans that the premier New Deal program is healthier than...
Six Rules for Real Social Security Reform
President George W. Bush's support for Social Security reform, together with strong public support for allowing workers to place some of their payroll taxes in personal retirement accounts, makes it much more likely that Congress will soon consider the issue. However,...
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